
Valkeisenjärven vesiensuojelusuunnitelma

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Sustainable Bioeconomy and Energy Solutions
Implementation time
8.12.2021 - 31.12.2022
Project unit
School of Technology
Financing program
Other national funding
Project description

Lake Valkeinen has been classified with good ecological condition. Locals have expressed their concerns about the water quality going down.

Project goal was to make water conservation plan for the lake.
Lake Alanen locates at municipality of Saarijärvi.

More information:
Samuli Lahtela, projectmanager
+358 40 596 2378, [email protected]

Project results

Water conservation plan was made for lake Valkeinen. Also there were established  'Valkeisen kunnostus ry' society, which will function as a local operator for conservation issues for the lake. Project helped society to make its first funding application for construction project.  19.12.2022