TKI-osaamisen ja monituottajamallin kehittäminen sotepalveluyrityksissä
Project sponsors

The project will implement the following actions:
1. to identify the current RDI profile of social and health service enterprises and the current state of RDI competence, plans and capacity for multi-productivity.
2. to identify the key areas of RDI efforts of enterprises and to develop a 'RDI pathway' towards effective multi-productivity in the social and health services sector.
3. supporting and coaching enterprises on the RDI pathway and strengthening their RDI profile, capabilities and RDI cooperation networks
4. Strengthening RDI and business competences of private social and health service providers linked to the multi-producer model by piloting the multi-producer model.
5. Ensure continuity, dissemination of results and develop a plan for consolidation.