
TEAMIT+ Teampreneur multicultural impact innovation cooperatives

Project sponsors

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Innovative Learning
Implementation time
1.9.2023 - 31.8.2026
Project unit
School of Business
Financing program
Erasmus+ Key Action 2 2021-2027
UN Sustainable development goals
Project description
Impact and Innovative European Cooperatives of Multicultural Teampreneurs 2023-2026


Our aim is to develop a training program applying an innovative teampreneurship pedagogical methodology based on the 'learning by creating' approach, which will provide VET and HE students, young immigrants, refugees and unemployed people from different areas, to become future entrepreneurs with green, digital and resilience skills who impact a society moving towards a greener economy.


Innovative training
Bring together young people with different academic profiles (from Spain, France, Finland, and Greece) and train them on highly demanded transversal skills.

Impact business with cooperative values 
To boost the creation of impactful and innovative enterprises with cooperative values that respond to climate change and societal challenges.

Transferability of the methodology
Extrapolation of this innovative educational methodology to other programs of each educational institutions, or in other European HE and VET centers, or in other areas of knowledge in the field of education.


10 partners in four European countries representing Higher education, Vocational Education and Training, Labour Market Actors and Non-governmental organizations. 

Higher Education 
UPNA - Universidad Publica de Navarra (Spain)
MUE – MU Enpresagintza S. Coop. (Spain)
ESTIA - Ecole Superieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancees (France)
JAMK – Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu, Tiimiakatemia (Finland) 

Vocational Education and Training 
ORAMA – Kentro Epangelmatikis Katartisis Orame EE (Greece)

Labour Market actors
CluBE - Cluster Viooikonomias Kai Perivallontos Dytikis Madedonias (Greece)
D4E – Diversity 4 Equality S. Coop. Pequena de Iniciativa Social (Spain)
KAYA – Kaya Impacto Sapi De Cv (Spain)
KKOOP – Konfekoop Confederacion de Cooperativas de Euskadi (Spain)

Non-governmental organization
ID - Initiative Développement (France) 


1 new European training program of impact teampreneurship
1280 youngs & 20 coaches trained
8 commitment booklets
10 local initiatives to address environmental-climate-social issues 
24 volunteers to replicate
20 agreements closed to replicate this training program
1 replication guideline
1 white book
20 business projects of cooperatives 


TeamIt+ is funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union.

Project Manager Tapu Holttinen
Tiimiakatemia by JAMK
+ 358 50 5411 753