
SchoolWell - Kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin koulu

Project sponsors

Project type
Research project
Focus area
Innovative Learning
Implementation time
1.10.2022 - 30.9.2025
Project unit
School of Health and Social Studies
Financing program
Academy of Finland
UN Sustainable development goals
Project description

 Future School of Comprehensive Well-Being (SchoolWell)

SchoolWell presents high impact ground-breaking multidisciplinary research in children's and youths' comprehensive wellbeing and
means to cultivate it, at school. We will undertake longitudinal nested multimethod interactive intervention research in vivo. Our project
contributes to the scientific renewal in the field of wellbeing research and research-based solutions for proactively enhancing equal
comprehensive wellbeing at school 1) by scaling-up the research through building a novel comprehensive multidisciplinary framework,
including physical, mental and socio-pedagogical dimensions of wellbeing, 2) by creating an arsenal of measures for studying it, 3) by
identifying the wellbeing equality gaps, and 4) by creating effective means and supporting materials to enhance comprehensive
wellbeing and learning, ingrained in the basic socio-pedagogical practices of the school.

Project is funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) within the Academy of Finland.  

Principal investigators of the subjects in the SchoolWell consortium:
  • Kirsi Pyhältö, University of Helsinki (consortium leader)
  • Tiina Soini-Ikonen, University of Tampere
  • Tommi Tolmunen, University of Eastern Finland
  • Janne Pietarinen, University of Eastern Finland
  • Timo Jaakkola, University of Jyväskylä
  • Tuija Tammelin, Jamk University of Applied Sciences
  • Marko Kantomaa, University of Oulu
  • Mika Niemelä, University of Oulu

Tuija Tammelin, Principal Researcher, Jamk University of Applied Sciences