
Open laboratory for bioeconomy

Project sponsors

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Implementation time
1.4.2023 - 31.3.2025
Project unit
School of Technology
Financing program
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027
UN Sustainable development goals
Project description

Open laboratory for bioeconomy (ALaBio) is a development project of Jamk University of Applied Sciences (Jamk), the Institute of Bioeconomy (BTI). The main aim of the project is to test and develop alternative operating models for a more accessible laboratory environment (RDI environment). The project is targeted for SMEs developing bio and circular economy solutions, primarily serving the RDI activities of SMEs in northern Central Finland, promoting the green transition in the countryside. In accordance with the Smart Specialization Strategy, the project is expected to influence the increase of RDI investments in the bio and circular economy sector.

Even the project development activities and main target group is located in the northern Central-Finland, the project also disseminate results and experiences about the tested operating models, as well as available laboratories and services in the entire province of Central-Finland. The dissemination is targeted to a wider group of SMEs and other RDI operators in the region (e.g., JYU, POKE, VTT). The project also disseminates the results and experiences to others managing the RDI environments (e.g., training and research organisations) outside the Central-Finland.

The studies have shown that the role of higher education institutions (especially UAS operators) as managers of environments is significant (25 UAS there is total of 204 RDI-environments). However, the utilization rates of these environments often remain low, especially among external users. One of the reasons is the lack of awareness of laboratory environments and the technical facilities among companies, but the openness can also be slowed down by the internal limited use policy of the organizations. (Päällysaho et al. 2018).

With the help of piloting with selected five SMEs, alternative operating models can be tested and evaluated. It's also important to test and evaluate the models from the administrator / Jamk`s point of view, especially the obstacles preventing the openness of the environments. However, the piloted operating models will be decided after the needs assessment is carried out in the project.

As a result of the project, the replicable 'open lab service model' is created, including optimal utilization process of the laboratory environment. In addition, the project builds the in-house rules for the laboratory, which means operating procedures for outsiders to be able to take over the technical equipment and premises as safely as possible. For this reason, the project implements a digital demonstration together with the target group.

Focus will also be put on RDI communication targeting to increase awareness of staff and students, as well as on spreading and expanding the operating model externally in and outside the region.

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Project manager
Janne Salmi
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