
OHTO+ Using digital web services to develop guidance processes

Project sponsors

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Innovative Learning
Implementation time
1.6.2020 - 31.10.2022
Project unit
School of Professional Teacher Education
Financing program
European Social Fund (ESF)
Project description

OHTO+ Using digital web services to develop guidance processes

The objective of the project is to strengthen the ability of Study Counsellors, career advisors and other specialists in guidance and training services to actively use the service, shared online guidance platforms of information, advisory and guidance service actors as well as other digital services to support study planning and the customer's steering process. The development of the said capabilities is linked to the development of the operating methods of the study and steering processes during the application phase and studies. 

The project strengthens the service capacity of the service by training Study Counsellors, career advisors and other specialists in guidance and training services in its use. The project shares good practices and experiences on using different digital services and guidance platforms (peer learning), teaches the appropriate use of digital guidance services and brings user experience into the development of the service and other web-based platforms and digital services. 

Peer learning and development workshops - peer support and tools for
personal guidance work: One important activity of the project is to
enable peer learning and development. Peer learning workshops aimed at
project development partners have shared best operating models and
deepened the insights gained from training and experiences.

The OHTO+ project has organised popular webinars. An open closing seminar was organized in September 2022.

Project results

Results collected on Gradia's blog platform (in Finnish).

Project's results in a virtual room (in Finnish).

OHTO+ webinaari: Ohjaus digitaalisissa ohjausympäristöissä

OHTO+ webinaari 27.11.2020, asiantuntijoina Virpi Koskelo ja Mervi Pasanen. 

Lisätietoja - projektipäällikkö Jamkissa:

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