
Myllyjoki-Mäntyjoki kalataloudellinen kunnostussuunnitelma

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Sustainable Bioeconomy and Energy Solutions
Implementation time
31.3.2022 - 30.4.2023
Project unit
School of Technology
Financing program
Other national funding
Project description

In region of Viitasaari-city there are Mylly- and Mänty rivers that contain barriers for migration fish. Migration barriers are reason for endangerement of migration fish in entire Finland. Removing barriers would give fish a free moving between breeding and eating areas.

Project goal is to plan solutions for replacing dam and bypassing a another barrier. Also goal is to make a plan for construction of rivers, for breeding and hibernation areas for fish.

More information:
Samuli Lahtela, projectmanager
+358 40 596 2378, [email protected]

Project results

Project main goal was achieved, construction plans are ready. 24.4.2023