
LäSä - Lämpösähköiset ratkaisut energiatehokkuuden lisääjinä

Project sponsors

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Sustainable Bioeconomy and Energy Solutions
Implementation time
1.11.2020 - 31.8.2022
Project unit
School of Technology
Financing program
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project description

Thermo-electric solutions for improving energy efficiency

Final energy consumption in Finland is about 380 TWh annually. At the same time we loose over 50 TWh of produced energy as waste heat in flue gases, as condensing heat to air and water, and as vapors. This is the main focus area in the energy sector for developing a low-carbon society. Conversion of heat to electricity by utilizing sc. Seebeck phenomenon is well-known already long time, but interest to utilize it is increasing now, due to development of new materials that can improve the ratio of heat converted to power. Especially new semi-conductors and nanomaterialcoatings open new possibilities for novel solutions.

This project is for promotion of development of thermo-electric phenomenon based new solutions for energy efficiency purposes. By connecting energy technology manufacturers, but also energy producers, from the Northern Central Finland to the on-going development of thermo-electric phenomenon based know-how and solutions. The main actions of the project are to seek for the latest development steps and knowledge globally and transfer that information and connections to the local energy technology society. Core method is to select the most promising cases and carry out practical laboratory and living-lab tests with them in order to gain further and concrete know-how on them.

The project is implemented in co-operation with the JAMK university of applied sciences, its units the Institute of
Bioeconomy and the Industrial engineering, and two energy technology manufacturers and two energy producers from the region.

Project manager: Markku Paananen
+358 400 121989