Kohti resurssiviisasta aluelämpöä
Project sponsors
Towards resource-wise district heating
In the future, the operation of existing district heating
networks, their forms of production and energy efficiency will involve strong
development needs from the point of view of future carbon neutrality targets.
According to the low-carbon road map produced by the energy industry, district
heat production based on the side streams of bioeconomy and circular economy
will be strengthened, and new non-combustion based technologies will emerge
alongside it.
The increasing sector integration according to the above-mentioned
roadmap also means interconnecting industry, transport and heating through
electricity, gas and district heating networks. At the same time, the
customer's role is transformed from energy consumer to someone who stores
energy and potentially produces it. Energy networks become increasingly
intelligent and interact with the customer. The purpose of this development
project is to investigate the requirements and investment conditions of the district
heating research and development environment (RDI) possibly located at the
Tarvaala Bioeconomy Campus in Saarijärvi.
The development project seeks and compiles information on future
forms of energy production and the utilisation needs and opportunities of
existing energy distribution networks. The needs are identified, for example,
through a literature review and discussions with energy sector actors such as
companies and research institutes.
The project will be implemented in three work packages (WP)
described below.
WP 1: Investigating Tarvaala's existing district heating network
solutions and their suitability for an RDI environment
WP 2: Future solutions as part of the RDI environment
WP 3: Development plan for the RDI environment
If you are interested in the project, further information will be
provided by
Project Manager
Janne Salmi