
Kiertokylät Keski-Suomessa

Project sponsors

Kiertokylät K-S
Project type
Development project
Focus area
Sustainable Bioeconomy and Energy Solutions
Implementation time
1.9.2024 - 30.6.2026
Financing program
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) 2023-2027
UN Sustainable development goals
Project description

Promoting the circular economy requires a systemic change, along with concrete actions from businesses, the public sector, and civic actors. Broad and open-minded collaboration can address the challenges of circular economy business and accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

The project aims to activate circular economy measures among SMEs, municipal officials, and business developers in the rural areas of Central Finland, increase circular economy expertise, and promote the formation of industrial symbioses, i.e., cooperation-based operational models, on a regional level. The main target groups are the industrial and construction sectors, as well as those supporting the circular economy transition in these industries. The goal is to facilitate the renewal of businesses, initiate the operation of new circular economy value networks, and motivate companies and municipal officials to engage in practical circular economy actions and experiments.

The project activities are implemented through five work packages: 

1: Activating companies in the circular economy 

2: Activating circular economy-supporting activities in municipalities 

3: Building a circular village together

4: Communicating about the circular economy and development 

5: Project administration

The circular economy transition requires interdisciplinary cooperation between sectors and various levels of actions in both the public and private sectors. Networks play a crucial role in creating and promoting value in the circular economy. Activation measures will create opportunities to strengthen and expand networks, as well as foster new collaborative efforts.

The project supports the Finnish government's goal of carbon neutrality by 2035, the Circular Economy Programme of the Government, and the objectives of the Government Programme. Additionally, the project aligns with the Central Finland Strategy, the Rural Development Plan for Central Finland, and the strategies of the participating municipalities.

As a result of the project, the foundations for new, sustainable, and profitable circular economy business in Central Finland will be established. The project's impact will be assessed using a set of impact indicators.