
Keski-Suomen kyberturvallisuusosaamisen tunnettavuuden kasvattaminen

Project sponsors

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Cyber Security
Implementation time
1.8.2022 - 31.12.2024
Project unit
School of Technology
Financing program
AKKE Supporting the sustainable growth and vitality of regions
Project description

The Central Finland region (especially the Jyväskylä region) is a well-known pioneer in cyber security
and the expertise, but this special expertise is not recognized nationwide except for the narrow
Cyber security circles. The key players in the area have so far focused on national development of
cyber resilience and the associated competence and spreading the information has been less important.
However, it is no longer worth keeping the candle under stable, as the security vessel
due to recent significant changes in the surroundings. The importance of cyber security
as part of the nation's overall security has become more and more prominent. Therefore,
oral knowledge of Cyber security plays a more important role and demand, which is why it is necessary
for a separate project. The project is used to invest resources to increase the awareness of the Central
Finland region's cyber security potential. It allows both the area and its actors to be better succeeded in competition from a skilled workforce, the location of new activities in the area from both national and international between investments and RDI funding.

Central Finland strategy (2025-2050, identifies the same expertise.
According to the strategy, the top growth is digitalisation with a special asset of cyber security.
One of the future images for the strategy's time period is the growth of cyber threats, which is further
emphasizes the importance of competence, technology understanding and cyber security in the future.

The purpose of the project is to increase the national and international awareness of cyber security expertise
in the Central Finland region. In particular, the results are invested in increasing national awareness.

The project has four work packages that achieve the following performance targets:

1. In the region's universities, a cyber security, applied research and
Knowledge of development and service business have increased.

2. Cyber security events for experts and the general public have been organized in Central Finland.

3. The region's universities as developers of cyber security awareness and competence have increased.

4. Cyber security expertise in the Central Finland region has been highlighted in extensive Social Media
(and/or traditional media) campaigns.

More information: Antti Teppo, 050 566 8533, [email protected]

Project results

During the project, three new events or functionalities were launched:

1. Finnish Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence (FICEC)  
2. Digital Security Fair in Jyväskylä  
3. Digital Security Seminars in Jyväskylä  

New partnerships have been established, including with Jyväskylä Fair and Women4Cyber Finland. Additionally, there are several new initiatives for potential collaboration in various forms.

The *Kyberin Ytimessä* podcast has produced 18 episodes, which have been listened to over 10,000 times in total. The production of the podcast is intended to continue in the future, as interest in it is growing.

The Finnish Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence enhances the region's attractiveness and retention. There is significant interest surrounding the Centre, and we can continue its development through a new project. An example of international interest is the strong engagement from Norwegians in JYVSECTEC's RGCE environment.

The project has strongly supported the University of Jyväskylä's open *Cybersecurity for Citizens* course. Additionally, we collaborated with the Robocoast EDIH project to produce cybersecurity micro-courses for it.

Furthermore, we have showcased the cybersecurity expertise of JAMK and the University of Jyväskylä in various events, particularly in connection with JYVSECTEC's cybersecurity exercises. Networks are grown with pride in all connections. The project's website can be found here :