Equal Career Paths for Women – NOW!
Project sponsors
Finnish labour market is among the most gender segregated in the EU. Women head for professions in education and care whereas men are directed to technology and logistics. Within different fields, the segregation continues and shows as differences in jobs, wages and career paths. Gender segregation is present especially in the fields of technology, business and security as well as risk management. Strive for more equality and less segregation is necessary.
acknowledging the key problems regarding equality and willingness to amend them.
The project produces new and topical knowledge about the causes and the consequences of gender segregation in Finnish working life and especially in the field of technology creates, pilots and consolidates new forms of study and career counseling, career services and entrepreneurial support for female students and professionals. Various activities help the formation of peer networks and the development of practices which promote equality and diversity of professions.
Universities (Aalto, LUT and Tampere), five Universities of Applied Sciences (TAMK, JAMK, OAMK, Haaga-Helia and Laurea) and Trade union for academic engineers and architects Tekniikan akateemiset.
Project results
Hanketta koordinoi Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu TAMK.
Sitä toteuttavat kolme yliopistoa (Aalto yliopisto, LUT ja Tampereen yliopisto), viisi ammattikorkeakoulua (TAMK, Haaga-Helia, Jamk, OAMK ja Laurea) sekä ammattiliitto Tekniikan akateemiset TEK.
Artikkelit ja blogit
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