
Biotalouden yrityskiihdyttämö Saarijärvelle

Project sponsors

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Sustainable Bioeconomy and Energy Solutions
Implementation time
1.12.2019 - 31.8.2023
Project unit
School of Technology
Financing program
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project description

Business Accelerator In Saarijärvi -project is for developing and testing a
system to accelerate the 
business development and growth of bioeconomy SME companies.
The bioeconomy is a fast growing sector that 
opens up new opportunities for businesses. However, in order
to develop, companies in the industry need community 
spirit and support, as well as support and market links from
a globally operating 'flagship' company. It is necessary to 
develop a system that combines the innovation and agility of
the SME sector with the market knowledge, scenario 
work and customer contacts of the companies at the global markets.
The task of the leading companies is to create 
new openings and development needs, and the task of SMEs is
to develop new solutions to the openings presented. 
Preparing, organizing and working tools are needed to get
started. One of the development targets is the development 
of a digital platform that enables business to develop in a
rapidly changing field of activity.

The main target of the project is to:

• initiate and commercialize globally significant solutions
for mitigation of climate change in international business context.

• generate notable bioeconomy and carbon neutral based
business growth in the Saarijärvi - Viitasaari region, in Central Finland, and in Finland.

• create a basement for development and growth of the
Bioeconomy campus.

• offer an internationally and nationally recognized and
inspiring meeting point for top businesses, R&D -organizations and innovators.

• offer a physical and digital platform that enables novel
and flexible business models for companies that want to match with the coming challenges and possibilities of the working
life and business, and supports operation of R&D -

•promote utilization of newest technologies in production,
dissemination, analytics and usage of information in RDI and business life and versatile usage of information
dissemination networks.

The bioeconomy campus is a dynamic and rapidly developing
producer of know-how and new knowledge in the field. It is also a meeting place for the various actors in the
bioeconomy. To achieve this, the goal is to create a business 
accelerator in Saarijärvi, which provides a team-work and
office space for the SME, expert work to create co-operation 
and operational models, and connections for the
implementation of the first pilot assignments. The goal is to launch 
the method that will consolidate and bring continuity to the
action. The project is implemented by the Institute of 
Bioeconomy, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, which
nominates key project personnel for the implementation and 
rents out the necessary premises located in Saarijärvi. The
goal is that the work will continue after the project. Aim is 
also to continue action with the key project personnel after
the project, if seen reasonable. In addition, the project will 
be outsourced to complement the project team. The project is
not for direct development of JAMK's operations itself.

Project duration is 36 months

Project results

Biopaavo's operations and the organisation
of various related events got off to a good start at the beginning of 2020. In
the spring of the same year, the Coronavirus pandemic came along, which
challenged the events already planned and their implementation. In practice,
'overnight' we had to switch to virtual implementations. At the
beginning of the project in 2020, as many as 29 Entrepreneur Coffee Events were
organised. The themes of these were very varied, such as coronavirus support,
marketing, use of social media, development funding, etc. Dealt with.

The project organised plenty of events for
different stakeholders to gain visibility for Biopaavo's operations but also to
build an extensive co-creation network. Among these we can mention: New
business from rural plastics, Wood construction of the future, New life for
waste textiles. More detailed information about these and many other events can
be found at
event presentations and materials | Jamk

At the same time as organising various
events, the accelerator's innovation processes and operating model were
developed and a smoother model was built around companies' financial services.
Cooperation was intensified, particularly with representatives of public
funding. Cooperation was also carried out with municipalities and urban
development companies and business organisations in Northern Central Finland to
develop a cooperation model between the Biopaavo Business Accelerator and the
business life of the region.

In autumn 2021, the BioPaavo Road Show
event series was launched. During the road show tour (8 different locations),
we presented the project, sought input into the accelerator's operations and
told about the operating model developed in the project, innovation
competitions and other services of the business accelerator.

BioPaavo launched international BioTalks
webinars to highlight topical themes and experts and to network
internationally. A total of 8 BioTalks events focusing on different themes were
organised with a total of 245 participants.

Biopaavo's Hackathon innovation
competitions for companies were a real success. In the process, there is a need
to quickly find a solution, service or product for the customer's needs. For
the client company, the process has been refined to be as easy and
time-consuming as possible. A total of 13 Hackathons have been implemented
during the project, for which a total of 109 teams have applied. Of these, 59 solver teams have been selected for the actual hackathons.  Participant
feedback has been collected from all Hackathons from the client company,
mentors and solver teams. Based on the feedback received, customer satisfaction
has been high, 4.5 (with a maximum of 5.0). Quite positive feedback from
companies can be seen and heard at
Hackathon | Jamk

In the final phase of the project, one of
the most significant events, the international Kaski 2023 pitching competition
| Jamk
theme was
Start-ups as engines of sustainable food
and agrotechnology solutions.
The competition was
organised in conjunction with the international AgriVenture event (
AgriVenture Finland 2023 | Jamk), which ensured a large number of applicants from different European
countries. A unique opportunity for start-ups
their ideas to investors and business angels, as well as potential customers,
attracted as many as 38 applicants. Race. After the pre-qualification process,
23 start-ups were invited to the actual event to present their ideas

With the help of the Biopaavo project,
new projects worth about 6 M€ have been generated. Examples of these
include HelpiKS, Bioboosters, New Business from Rural Plastics and Finnish
Future Farm.

Project results in numerical terms:

·       Biopaavo's website visits from outside Jamk 44,179 times

·       119 events, attended by 3,783 people, of which

·       13 hackathons for companies

·       109 teams that applied for hackathons

·       59 solver teams selected for hackathons

·       18 cooperation projects between companies