Blogi 3 Team Finland: Towards to person-centered and interprofessional rehabilitation

INPRO Team Finland: JAMK University of Applied Sciences and Coronaria organized several internationally implemented activities related to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). ICF is a conceptual framework and a “common language between all professions” and facilitates Interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP). ICF is used to provide person-centered and interprofessional services to patients according to a broader biopsychosocial perspective.

Project start: Three main actions

Three main actions in the first 6 months similarly with teachers in the universities and professionals from the working field:

(1) Collect information on how INPRO partners currently use ICF using a Webropol questionnaire.

(2) An ICF pilot course to students, teachers and professionals that consisted of the WHO ICF e-learning materials. The aim is to get an ICF course that provide the same basic information about the ICF and how it could be used in interprofessional cooperation in all the participating countries.

(3) Overall, 15 professionals and 33 university teachers participated ICF-need workshops, in order to find out what are the needs to enhance ICF knowledge and use of ICF. It was found that the 4 participating countries had very different perspectives. However, one thing was obvious - education is needed!

“When new employees have no experience with ICF at all, the job training is a lot more difficult and needs more time. If students have learned ICF in their education, it promotes understanding”. (Working life comment)

TEAM Finland is giving thanks to all INPRO project experts for the inspiring and hardworking co-operation during the first months of the project! We look forward to the results of the development of ICF learning and ICF-based tools and practices.

Multiprofessional groups in Coronaria / sharing an inspiring workshop

An enthusiastic multiprofessional group consisting of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists and nurses gathered in Seinäjoki. The theme of the day was how to improve skills in goal setting with your clients. Importance for example how to make a safe space for both client and therapist, trauma background, motivational interviewing principles, basic principles of ICF and how these can be helpful when setting holistic goals and plan for therapy.

All participants discussed about interprofessional working, ICF and safe interaction:

1. How can interprofessionalism be beneficial when setting goals?

2. How can ICF help you in goal setting?

3. How can safe interaction with your client help you in goal setting?

The answers are very inspiring for further work! Here below some citates!

”the client and her needs are taken into consideration from different levels”

”there is no overlapping work and a clear division of work”

”it helps you in self-reflection”

”with good interaction you avoid ready solutions for your client”

”dialogue is important for a common understanding”

INPRO blogi 3 kuva

The development of basic and advanced ICF learning courses as well as ICF-based tools and practices is an ongoing process: innovations that enhance person-centered rehabilitation and interprofessional co-work based on ICF.

Stay tuned and/or register



Laura Mutanen

Physiotherapist, Coronaria

E-mail: [email protected]

Jaana Ritsilä

Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, Program Coordinator, JAMK

E-mail: [email protected]

Jaana Paltamaa

Senior researcher, Physiotherapist, JAMK

E-mail: [email protected]