news 15.5.2024

Study Paths at Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences will be known as Open University Routes

Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences will switch to the concept of "Open University Route" instead of the previous term "Study Path".

The Open University Route is an option to aim towards Degree Studies at Jamk. The Open University Route studies usually include the same studies as the first year of Degree Studies and enable students to apply for Degree Studies in a separate application.  

Why the change?  

The Open Universtiy Route is a nationally established term, especially used by Open Universities. The aim is to harmonise the practice and thus clarify the options for studying. 
The vocabulary of education and training compiled by the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKSA: 3rd edition) also uses the concept of Open Universtiy Route. A person who applies for Degree Studies on the basis of open university studies is referred to as a "Open University Route student".  

The new Open University Route studies starting next autumn will be published no later than 14 June 2024 

Read more about Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences offering!

Additional information

Sirpa Tuomi

Päällikkö koulutuspalvelut, Education Services Manager
Koulutuksen kehittämispalvelut, Educational Development Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Piia Sipari

Suunnittelija, Administrative Planner
Koulutuksen kehittämispalvelut, Educational Development Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services