news 20.8.2024

Global cyber security strengthened with new tools

Ten countries join forces in the international Resilmesh project, which develops global cyber security and the ability of European critical infrastructure actors to anticipate and respond to cyber threats. Jamk brings Finnish cyber expertise to the project. 

Network pattern

The Resilmesh project brings together 11 leading universities and companies in cyber defense and artificial intelligence, and three critical infrastructure companies. The aim of the project, which brings together European partners, is to promote cyber security globally by developing new tools for experts.  

"You can't protect what you don't understand," says Tuomo Sipola, who coordinates the project on behalf of Jamk. "From this point of view, the project creates new tools for understanding the objects to be protected from a cyber security perspective."  

New tools will be tested in cyber exercise 

The purpose of the new cyber security tools is to ensure that organisations receive real-time information to support their decisions in exceptional circumstances. Information, in turn, is used to develop preparedness to prevent and tolerate various cyberattacks and threats. 

In addition to the tools, a new system entity combining global forces is also under construction. "It's like a framework that brings together different kinds of cybersecurity-related capabilities," Sipola says. "The idea is a bit similar to the project itself. International experts in their fields combine their knowledge to develop cyber security globally." 

Jamk is responsible for organising a cyber security exercise towards the end of the project, where new innovations can be tested. The exercise will be carried out in the unique RGCE cyber exercise environment of JYVSECTEC (Jyväskylä Security Technology) research, development and training center located at Jamk's Institute of Information Technology. 

The RCGE environment, detached from the real world, is ideal for the project's purpose, as it allows new innovations to be tested safely in a realistic environment. 

"Organising the exercise is a masterpiece of the core cyber security expertise that Jamk brings to the project," Sipola sums up. 

The Resilmesh project has been funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe. The project partners are: Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (Jamk), Technological University Of The Shannon (IE), GMV Soluciones Globales Internet SAU (ES), Masarykova Univerzita (CZ), Silent Push Limited (IE), F6s Network Ireland Limited (IE), Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (AT), Universidad de Murcia (ES), Alias Robotics S.L. (ES), algoWatt SPA (IT), Región de Murcia (ES), Kentro Meleton Asfaleias (EL),  Montimage EURL (FR), Royal Holloway And Bedford New College (UK).  

More about the project

Further information

Tuomo Sipola

Vanhempi tutkija, Senior Researcher
IT-Instituutti, Institute of Information Technology
Teknologia, School of Technology