news 4.6.2024

Free studies at Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences in 2024 - 2025

Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences continues to offer free-of-charge studies in the academic year  2024-2025. By doing so, Jamk wishes to enable study opportunities also to those whose financial status is weaker, such as the unemployed. The unemployed and the asulym seekers have had the chance to study for free since 1 Jan 2020.

Other groups included in the free studies category are for example students in secondary education, so that they can try out the higher education studies, and Jamk graduates, who are encouraged to continue their studies further.

Groups who get Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences studies for free during 1 Aug 2024 - 31 July 2025:

  • Unemployed job-seekers
  • Asylum seekers
  • EduFutura-studies
  • Jamk graduates as follws: 
    • Master's Degree Route Studies for Jamk Bachelor's Degree graduates (for a time period of two years after graduation)
    • Future Factory studies for all Jamk graduates for one year after graduation
  • Students in secondary education (selected studies)
  • Jamk staff, when the studies are connected to their role and support their skills at work 

See Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences

More information

Sirpa Tuomi

Päällikkö koulutuspalvelut, Education Services Manager
Koulutuksen kehittämispalvelut, Educational Development Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services