news 11.1.2023

JAMK University of Applied Sciences receives significant funding from Business Finland for developing a platform solution for digital rehabilitation

The Institute of Rehabilitation of JAMK has received nearly one million euros in funding from Business Finland for the implementation of an innovative public procurement project. The aim of the procurement project is to respond to the growing global need for rehabilitation by means of digital rehabilitation. The Institute of Rehabilitation responsible for the education, research and development of multidisciplinary rehabilitation will involve companies, researchers, developers and students in the development work.

virtual hand and physical hand touching fingers

A rehabilitation process consists of several phases that meet the client’s individual needs, for which different digital solutions are offered. From the user's perspective, however, many of the solutions, which are not interconnected, appear to be fragmented and fail to take the client’s individual needs into account.

“We want to develop a digital rehabilitation service model and a platform solution to support it. Interactive and intelligent capabilities, which enable the assessment of client’s functioning as well as continuity of the rehabilitation service path, will be developed for the platform,” describes Kari-Pekka Murtonen, Head of Global Action at the Institute of Rehabilitation.

“Our goal is to be an internationally recognised reformer of rehabilitation. Finnish expertise has its place in the growing market of digital rehabilitation, and Jamk wants to be actively involved in developing solutions in it,” says Mirja Immonen, Director of the Institute of Rehabilitation.

An innovation partnership has been selected as the procurement procedure, which includes development and piloting phases during which the platform and its intelligent features can be tested. In other words, the procurement process combines the development and procurement of the innovative solution. An innovation partnership is built on diverse interaction with partners and stakeholders. Indeed, a close dialogue with the involved partners will be maintained during the process.

“We are aiming to build long-term, effective and innovative partnerships and networks and to invest in the life-cycle planning of the procurement. We want to find a partner with whom to build a platform solution that brings digital rehabilitation solutions together and enables the development of a completely new rehabilitation service model,” says Project Manager Henna Nyman.

The project supports the Institute of Rehabilitation’s strategy and promotes the creation of a global ecosystem for digital rehabilitation. The development work of the project also enables the scalability of innovation partners' business activities to the global market. The AIRe-Platform project supports the Institute of Rehabilitation’s broader group of projects on digital rehabilitation.

The implementation period of the AIRe-Platform project is 1 August 2022–30 April 2024.

More information

Henna Nyman

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Hyvi kehittämispalvelut, Development Services
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Kari-Pekka Murtonen

Johtava asiantuntija, Chief Specialist
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies