news 24.1.2023

Harnessing biogenic carbon dioxide from biogas plants: GasumHackathon is open!

Jamk University of Applied Sciences’ Business Accelerator BioPaavo launches an innovation competition, a hackathon, together with Gasum Ltd., the largest biogas producer in the Nordics. The aim of the hackathon is to find solutions and partners to utilise the biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) generated as a side stream from the biogas upgrading process in Gasum’s biogas plants in Finland and Sweden. 

Aerial view of Gasum's biogas plant

Gasum currently operates a network of nine biogas plants and two upgrading plants in Finland, as well as seven biogas plants in Sweden. In addition, Gasum is developing several biogas plant projects in the Nordic countries. 

Gasum’s biogas plants presently have a production capacity of approximately 800 GWh of biogas each year. Biogas use can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% compared to fossil fuels. 

Biogenic carbon dioxide, generated as a side stream of biogas plants, is a very underutilised resource. It could be used in various industrial applications, reducing the carbon footprint of biogas plants. Unlike CO2 from fossil fuels, biogenic CO2 from biogas plants originates from the decomposition of organic wastes and sidestreams and is not considered a greenhouse gas emission. 

”Gasum produces annually up to 114 000 tons of biogenic CO2 in the biogas upgrading process, of which nearly one third is in high concentration, meaning more than 95 % CO2”, says Gasum’s Senior Process Engineer Viljami Kinnunen. “We are looking for one or several partners, companies or consortiums, with near commercial solutions and interest to take the lead in creating value from the biogenic CO2 produced at Gasum biogas plants. With the winning team or teams of the GasumHackathon, depending on the maturity of the idea and feasibility of the business case, Gasum is willing to continue, for example, with commercial negotiations and joint feasibility study or basic engineering.” 

Application period for GasumHackathon is open until 5 March, 2023. After that the teams selected for follow-up are invited to the actual Hackathon. The challenge culminates on 19 April, 2023, as the winner or winners are announced. 

GasumHackathon is open for anyone interested: companies, research institutes, educational organisations, students and other teams. More instructions:

More information:  

Annimari Lehtomäki, Senior Specialist 

[email protected] 

tel. +358 50 464 2563 

Jamk University of Applied Sciences 

Viljami Kinnunen, Senior Process Engineer 

Gasum Ltd. 

[email protected] 

tel. +358 50 331 0308