news 30.3.2023

Finnish Center of Expertise for Cybersecurity (FICEC) to strengthen cybersecurity expertise

The Finnish Center of Expertise for Cybersecurity of Jamk University of Applied Sciences and the University of Jyväskylä strengthens the cyber know-how of the Central Finland region in particular, but also supports the Finnish cyber security brand.

FICEC-keskuksen allekirjoitustilaisuus Digiturvallisuusmessuilla. Jamkin rehtori Vesa Saarikoski ja Jyväskylän yliopiston vararehtori Henrik Kunttu allekirjoittamassa perustamissopimusta.

Vesa Saarikoski, Rector of Jamk University of Applied Sciences, and Henrik Kunttu, Vice Rector of the Jyväskylä University, signed an agreement on 30.3.2023 to start the operations of the Finnish Center of Expertise for Cybersecurity (FICEC). The purpose of the Centre of Expertise is to strengthen Finland's cutting-edge research and expertise in cybersecurity.

"The Centre of Expertise gathers under its umbrella the cyber security expertise of central Finland, which is known as strong, enabling even higher-quality education, research and development. Together, we will also be stronger in European cybersecurity forums," says Mika Karjalainen, Director at Jamk's School of Technology, who will also start as the director of the Centre of Expertise.

The centre's vision is to develop into a state-of-the-art international cybersecurity research and training centre that strengthens the vitality of the Central Finland region in particular, but also contributes to supporting the cyber security brand of the whole of Finland. The centre of expertise also combines strong cooperation with the business community and the ability to apply the latest technology.

"Through cooperation, we create future know-how and sustainable solutions to society's cybersecurity challenges in both the public and private sectors. In particular, the activities support the cyber resilience of industry and promote the region's economic growth by creating new business opportunities,' says Professor of Practice Martti Lehto from the University of Jyväskylä.

The activities of the Centre of Expertise are concretised in building a partnership network, joint research activities, organising events and conferences, influencing society and gathering cybersecurity expertise.

"The university and Jamk have been working closely together for a long time, but now the goal is not only to intensify but also to expand the cooperation beyond higher education institutions. We will involve actors from the business world and public administration and at the same time attract more expertise in the field to Jyväskylä and Central Finland," Lehto describes.

Lehto goes on to say that one of the first concrete steps will be an intelligence-focused digital security conference to be held in Jyväskylä at the beginning of June.

"The conference will be attended by international-level experts who have previously worked for major international intelligence actors," Lehto says.

The management of the Centre of Expertise alternates annually between the university and the university of applied sciences. The centre will start operating on 1 April 2023. Several dozen masters of cybersecurity and cybersecurity professionals graduate from the University of Jyväskylä and the University of Applied Sciences every year. The Centre of Expertise will employ a total of more than 30 experts and researchers from the University of Jyväskylä and Jamk.

Further information: 

Mika Karjalainen, Director, School of Technology

[email protected]

tel. +358 40 574 8012 

Jamk University of Applied Sciences

Martti Lehto, Professor of Practice

[email protected]

tel. +358 400 248 080

University of Jyväskylä