news 31.8.2023

Erasmus+ funding to strengthen international competence development in sports physiotherapy

We are happy to announce that our Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership Project, Higher education to improve competency in Sports Physiotherapy (SportsComp), was granted 400 000€ for an international project lasting 3 years.

The project consortium consists of five organisations: Jamk University of Applied Sciences, University of Tartu, Vrije Universitait Brussel, University of Thessaly, and the International Federation of Sports Physical Therapy.

Project is Coordinated by Jamk University of Applied Sciences and aims to increase the quality of sports physiotherapy education and profession through competence development. Project enhances the excellence of sports physiotherapy, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation education, and supports the improvement of the European health care and sports systems.

Project implementation begins 1.9.2023, and is divided into five Work Packages, which focus on to the long-term competence development the academia, students, and professionals by updating sports physiotherapy competences for the higher education and physiotherapy organisations. Project, implemented at EQF level 7, supports the development of English taught Master programmes, courses, and flexible study options in sports physiotherapy through developing and piloting innovative e-learning courses through competence-based education. Project enhances international collaboration in sports physiotherapy and supports the digital competences of the academia, professionals, and students.

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Sanna Sihvonen

Yliopettaja, Principal Lecturer
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Armi Hirvonen

Vanhempi asiantuntija, Senior Advisor
Terveysinstituutti, Institute of Health
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies