news 22.12.2022

The joint application period for English degree programmes starts on Wednesday 4 January

The joint application process for higher education institutions' English programmes starts on Wednesday 4 January. At Jamk University of Applied Sciences, it is possible to apply to seven Bachelor-level degree programmes and eight Master's degree programmes. The application period ends on 18 January 2023 at 3 pm. 

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Jamk University of Applied Sciences offers seven English-language bachelor's degree programmes in January: Automation and Robotics, Business Information Technology, Information and Communication Technology, International Business, Nursing, Purchasing and Logistics Engineering and Tourism Management

Applications for the English master's degrees are also submitted in January. This year, Jamk Master School offers eight master-level degree programmes: Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics, Cyber Security, Digital Rehabilitation, Full Stack Software Development, International Business Management, Professional Project Management, Sport Business Management and, as a new degree programme, Advanced Practice Nursing

The all-new Advanced Practice Nursing degree programme provides master-level knowledge and skills in clinical nursing, preparing for a successful career in the services of the future of healthcare. Graduates of the degree can work, for example, as an expert nurse whose duties include comprehensive patient and client work, demanding teaching and consulting work, customer response, situational management and nursing research and development work. 

'The cross-cutting principle of the degree is to actively utilise research data and digital technology in the development of nursing. During the studies, you network with international student colleagues, which is a vital advantage these days', says Principal Lecturer Hanna Hopia from Jamk. 

Degrees conducted in English provide the same qualifications as similar degrees conducted in Finnish. 

Finnish legislation on tuition fees obliges higher education institutions to charge tuition fees to students who do not have citizenship of a country that is a member of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) or a document exempting them from tuition fees. Starting from 2023, the fee for bachelor's degrees is 9000 €/academic year at Jamk and 10,000 €/academic year for master's degrees.

All students who are liable to pay tuition fees receive a 40% scholarship in the first academic year. Starting from the second academic year, students are still entitled to a 40% grant if the studies have progressed according to the goal. 

The first joint application period ends on 18 January 2023 at 3 pm. The application period for the second joint application is 15–30 March 2023 at 3 p.m., when only Finnish-language degree programmes are applied for. You can apply at The studies will begin in autumn 2023. 

Jamk's degree programmes can be found at: 

Further information: 

Admission Services of Jamk UAS 

Tel. +358 40 556 0409 
