news 2.5.2022

Mika Karjalainen as the Director of Jamk's School of Technology

Teemu Rahikka

Mika Karjalainen has been elected as the Director of the School Technology of Jamk University of Applied Sciences. The choice was made at Jamk's board meeting on April 25, 2022.

Mika Karjalainen

Karjalainen has been working at Jamk as the Director of the Institute of Information Technology since 2017. Prior to this, he worked as a lecturer in cybersecurity and was responsible for the service business of Jamk's cybersecurity research, development, and training center, JYVSECTEC. He has also worked at the Finnish Defense Forces' Leadership System Center and at Finland's Security Network Ltd. Karjalainen holds a PhD in information technology. He began his new role on May 1st, 2022.

"I have worked in various positions at Jamk's School of Technology. I feel that the experience gained in different roles will be beneficial, especially in this new role," Karjalainen reflects.

Jamk's School of Technology plays a significant role in society's functioning.

"In today's operating environment, digitalisation permeates everything. It challenges current pedagogical solutions in teaching and guides us to adapt in all our activities so that we can provide skills development and serve the needs of a digitalised society," Karjalainen describes.

"Quality degree education, strong research and development activities, and services arising from the needs of the business sector are the foundation of our operations. With these, we ensure that we are able to contribute to the fulfillment of Jamk's statutory duties in the future," Karjalainen summarises the operations in the School of Technology.

"I consider promoting the well-being of staff and students to be my most important task because people are our most important resource. People who are doing well can create a sense of community, which I believe will support us in a rapidly changing operating environment," Karjalainen explains.

Jamk's Shoolc of Technology is a respected ICT, natural resources, and engineering educator as well as a development partner for companies and organisations. The School of Technology annually produces engineers and agrologists who can creatively and sustainably design, manage, and develop their environment. Research and development focuses on automation and robotics, bioeconomy, and applied cybersecurity.