news 11.1.2022

Kick-Off - Active University Week's schedule

Kick-Off-week's schedule

Pop-up break exercises are available at Humak campus in Korpilahti's Helmi during the whole week. At other campuses you can book guided break exercises for your student groups or coworkers via this link (form available only in Finnish, but break exercises available also in English).

Monday 8.11.

10.00-10.20 Kohti Aktiivista Korkeakoulua! -webinar (in Finnish)

Terveyden edistämisen asiantuntija Kirsti Siekkinen Liikkuva opiskelu -ohjelmasta (Likes) ja projektipäällikkö Essi Heimovaara-Kotonen Aktiivinen ja hyvinvoiva korkeakoulu -hankkeesta (JAMK) esittelevät, mitä on liikkuva opiskelu ja mitä se tarkoittaa korkeakoulussa.

Watch the recording of the webinar here!


Introduction of local sport venues / Physical fitness

Organized outdoor gym exercise

  • 14.00 Mattilanniemi outdoor gym, Aallontie (Rantaraitti)
  • 16.00 Fitness stop in Suuruspää, Suuruspääntie 14

Organized Stairs training

The wooden stairs of Harju, meeting by the stairs (on the side of Pitkäkatu), Pitkäkatu.

Starting on the hour: 14.00, 15.00, 16.00

14.00-17.00 Endurance test by walking or running

Instructional video available (in Finnish):

Location: Physical fitness checkpoint in Harbour – Alba beach. A start is possible from Harbour or Alba. You will receive guidance and feedback from Likes staff. Be sure to have a phone or a stopwatch with you.


Activity of the day

Share your daily activity moments on social media #AktiivinenKorkeakoulu

Tuesday 9.11.

10.00 – 10.45 Ihminen ei elä tyhjiössä - Sosiaalisella hyvinvoinnilla lisää opiskelukykyisyyttä -webinar (in Finnish)

Expert of student wellbeing Hanna Ahola, Student Life (JYU).


Introduction of local sport venues / Orienteering (14.00-17.00 on one's own initiative)

The Green Loop

The Green Loop, by walking or cycling, ability to choose just a portion of the route or complete as a whole (10km).

Get to know the route beforehand and bring a map with you: or use Citynomand map (apps)

You can start from a desired place within the Loop. The route of the Loop is marked by symbols in the surrounding terrain. 

Halssila hiihtomaa (Halssilanrinne 10a, Jyväskylä)

By cycling to the lean-to; ability to cook sausages. The project will offer the 50 sausages/logfire. 

Ladun Maja (Ronsuntaipaleentie 279, Jyväskylä)

By cycling to the lean-to; ability to cook sausages. The project will offer the 50 sausages/logfire. 

Seminaarinmäki Campus (Keskussairaalantie 4)

Maps are available at the lobby of Building L (Keskussairaalantie 4) 14.00 - 16.00.

Maps need to be returned at 17.30.


16.00 - 17.00 Recovering activities for mind and body

Ryhtilä, Seminaarinmäki


Activity of the day

Share your daily activity moments on social media #AktiivinenKorkeakoulu

Wednesday 10.11.

8.30 - 9.30 Energizing morning exercise -livestream

Follow the livestream via this link!


10.00-10.20 uMove liikuttaa - Korkeakoululiikunnan esittely -webinar (in Finnish)

Opiskelijaliikunnan kehittäjä Tiia Thil (uMove).

Watch the recording of the webinar via this link!


16.30 – 17.30 Kettlebell

The Campus arena, Keskussairaalantie 4. Meeting is in front of the L-building, Keskussairaalantie 4

Max. 50 participants (50 kettlebells available). You can also bring your own kettlebell.


Introduction of local sport venues / Disc golf

Lohikoski, Lohka DG (Turotie, 40250 Jyväskylä)

Disc Golf for beginners, get to know the game and practice your throwing. Necessary to bring your own discs.

Guidance ends at 16.00.

Korpilahti, Korpilahden frisbeegolfrata (Korpiharjuntie 20, 41800 Jyväskylä)

14.15 Meeting at the course.

Disc Golf for beginners, get to know the game with the help of tutors. Own discs recommended, but not necessary. The tutors will bring some discs to use. 


14.00 A Cultural Walk in Korpilahti

Meeting is in front of the Helmi-building, Tähtiniementie 30.

Enjoy a roughly 2hrs of cultural sightseeing, fresh air and good company by walking in the heart of Korpilahti. Humak tutors ja lecturer Maarit Honkonen-Seppälä will guide the tour.


Activity of the day

Share your daily activity moments on social media #AktiivinenKorkeakoulu

Thursday 11.11.

10.00 - 10.45 Workshop: Nuku hyvin - hetki omien nukkumistottumusten kartoittamiseen (in Finnish)

Watch the recording of the workshopa via this link!

Download the workshop's assignment via this link!


Outdoor games

Viitaniemi school (gravel field) (Viitaniementie 20)

Guided outdoor games between 15.00 - 16.00.

Notice! If the weather is bad, the event will be canceled. Follow this website for updates.

Humak Campus (Tähtiniementie 30)

Indoor and ourdoor games between 14.00 - 17.00.


Activity of the day

Share your daily activity moments on social media #AktiivinenKorkeakoulu

Friday 12.11.

10.00 Kalenteri täyttyy – Mahtuuko hyvinvointi aikatauluusi? -webinar (in Finnish)

Opiskeluhyvinvointiryhmä Hype-team (JAMK).

Follow the webinar via this link!


Introduction of local sport venues – DIY

Tips will be available on the website of the project.

Follow this link to the website!


Activity of the day

Share your daily activity moments on social media #AktiivinenKorkeakoulu