news 5.5.2022

Jamk promotes openness in science and research

​Jamk University of Applied Sciences has worked long-term to develop science and research. The work has been fruitful: in 2019, Jamk became the most advanced university of applied sciences in Finland in terms of transparency and openness. With a recent decision, more emphasis is being placed on openness.

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Jamk University of Applied Sciences is committed to the Declaration for Open Science and Research 2020-2025 prepared by the Finnish research community.

By signing the declaration, Jamk has committed to:

promote the national goals of open science and research, jointly defined by the research community, as part of its own strategy and guidance work, taking into account the specificities of Jamk;

support and encourage the daily work of Jamk's staff, students, and partners in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the policy;

participate actively in cooperation to promote open science and research at a national level.

Jamk was the most advanced university of applied sciences in Finland in terms of maturity in the 2019 maturity level measurement. In order to promote openness, Jamk’s rector and CEO Vesa Saarikoski has made a new decision in 2022 on open science and research at Jamk. The decision covers all four key areas: operational culture, publications, research materials and methods as well as outputs and learning.

“In accordance with the decision, we will further strengthen the openness of Jamk's operating culture, open access to research publications, research materials and methods, and pay attention to the expanding openness of learning and learning materials. Jamk's activities take into account the needs of its partners and its own responsibly – as openly as possible and in as closed a manner as necessary. We have described Jamk's principles of openness and we hope that Jamk's employees and partners will also get to know them and give feedback”, says Teemu Makkonen, Library Director at Jamk.

"At Jamk, we strive for a more holistic approach to the issues of open science and research, and we see that responsibly open, ethically sustainable practices support the vision of reinventing higher education”, concludes Makkonen.

“The practices of open science and research are reflected in the daily life of RDI projects, in the development of teaching, and in publication. The development of personnel competence will be continued on these themes, which can be seen in e.g. updating guidelines and sharing good practice. It is particularly important to see the benefits of openness and to be motivated to promote it. We also co-operate with other universities”, continues designer Elina Kirjalainen.

Jamk's principles in open science

Questions about open science and research? Contact us: att (a)

Further information:

Teemu Makkonen, Library Director

[email protected]

tel. +358 40 594 6587

Elina Kirjalainen, Administrative Planner

[email protected]

tel. 0400 159 422

Jamk University of Applied Sciences