news 20.9.2022

Jamk and the National Emergency Supply Agency start developing cyber capabilities in industries critical to security of supply

The Institute of Information Technology of Jamk University of Applied Sciences and the National Emergency Supply Agency have concluded an agreement to develop cybersecurity exercise activities for actors critical of security of supply. The project enables regular practical training of security-critical industries in Jamk's RGCE cyber exercise environment. Cybersecurity activities will be developed as part of the Digital Security 2030 programme of the National Emergency Supply Agency.


JYVSECTEC, a cyber security research, development and training centre at Jamk University of Applied Sciences, develops and maintains Realistic Global Cyber Environment (RGCE), which is a differentiated technical training environment from the Internet and operational activities. RGCE is a continuously operational cyber arena that realistically models the global digital society and many of the support services and organisations it needs. The RGCE cyber environment has been utilised in national cyber exercises led by Jamk and organised since 2013. The joint HTKK project between the Jamk and the National Emergency Supply Agency contributes to developing this whole in terms of the requirements of the exercise activities of the areas critical to security of supply.

The RGCE training environment will be expanded so that organisations in security-critical industries can also train and train their personnel in terms of cybersecurity. Personnel learn to protect their digital environment in cyber incidents and identify areas of development in their environment. Training and practical training improve capacity to protect critical infrastructure and accelerate recovery from cyber incidents. The environment allows companies and authorities in different industries to practice co-operation and prevention of the spread of cyber incidents caused by dependencies.

"In the current global security environment, cooperation with the National Emergency Supply Agency and actors critical to security of supply is a very important addition to the national cybersecurity training, through which we will improve the cyber resilience of the whole country," says Tero Kokkonen, Director of the Jamk's Institute of Information Technology.

"Almost all key functions of society depend on different digital applications. By developing cybersecurity, we are developing the resilience of society as a whole, and training plays a key role in this. The traineeship platform developed with Jamk will make a significant contribution to the opportunities for companies operating in different fields to practice and develop their own cybersecurity," says Jarna Hartikainen, Director of the Digital Security 2030 Programme at the National Emergency Supply Agency.

A steering group has been set up to support the project, providing expertise not only from Jamk and NESA, but also e.g. The Finnish Cyber Security Centre and the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The HTKK project started on 22 August 2022 and will end on 30 June 2026. The first joint cyber exercise of security-critical actors is planned for 2023.

Additional information:

Tero Kokkonen, Director, Institute of Information Technology

[email protected]

Tel. +358 50 438 5317

Jamk University of Applied Sciences

Jarna Hartikainen, Director, Infrastructure Department

[email protected]

Tel. +358 29 505 1022

National Emergency Supply Agency