news 1.6.2022

Jamk and Telia deepen cooperation through partnership agreement – cybersecurity at the heart of the focus

Telia and Jamk have agreed on a strategic partnership and cooperation between them in ICT, cybersecurity and multidisciplinary competence development.

Jamk and Telia have worked together in various forms for a long time. The partnership agreement to increase cooperation was signed by Jamk's Rector Vesa Saarikoski and the new Director of the School of Technology Mika Karjalainen and Toni Vartiainen, Director of Telia Cygate's Service Business.

With the partnership agreement, the intensified cooperation between Jamk and Telia will be reflected, for example, in research, development and innovation activities, as well as in the students' direct thesis opportunities, internships, project studies assignments and the recruitment path for graduating students to Telia. The organisation of joint cybersecurity exercises and the construction of a simulation test laboratory are also under development.

"There is a mutual need for increased cooperation between companies and the university. From the university's point of view, it is particularly interested to build a network for students in industry already during their studies. The working life relationships created during the studies serve as a bridge to the transition to working life. Close cooperation also ensures that the skills achieved during the studies meet the needs of working life," says Mika Karjalainen, Director of Jamk's School of Technology.

Toni Vartiainen, Head of Telia Cygate's Service Business, commented on the partnership agreement as follows: "At Telia, we have identified cybersecurity and data analytics as strategic future areas of expertise for us. The comprehensive partnership agreement with Jamk strengthens telia's acquisition of relevant new talents, as well as increasing the capabilities of our personnel towards our goals. It is important for us that we can work together to influence the equivalence of studies to the constantly changing demands of working life. Through the partnership, we enable students to work-life-oriented topical project and thesis topics. The partnership agreement lays the foundations for the development of the competences and capabilities of our current personnel, especially in the area of cybersecurity."

In order to implement partnership cooperation, a joint steering group has been set up between the parties responsible for drawing up a joint action plan and monitoring its implementation every six months.

Further information

Vesa Saarikoski

Rehtori, Rector
Konsernin hallinto, Administration
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Mika Karjalainen

Vararehtori, Vice Rector
Konsernin hallinto, Administration
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services