news 17.11.2022

How to capture and recover the valuable metals from industrial wastewaters? DinexHackathon found solutions to the 20 year old challenge

Jamk University of Applied Sciences’ DinexHackathon provided solutions, technologies and business partners for recovering and recycling the high value metals and critical elements from the liquid washcoat slurries and washing waters generated in the catalyst manufacturing process.

Maapallo, kädet ja vettä

The hackathon was organised upon the assignment from Dinex Finland Oy, by Bioeconomy Business Accelerator of Jamk University of Applied Sciences, in cooperation with Kasvu Open.

In the hackathon process’s final stage were two teams, Sofi Filtration Oy, and a team consisting of two companies, Econet Oy and SansOx Oy. The winning solution by Sofi Filtration Oy was based on microfiltration to separate metals along with solid particles from the wastewaters. However, Dinex Finland is interested to continue collaboration also with Econet Oy and SansOx Oy, whose solution is based on a flotation process steered by artificial intelligence, combined with metal recovery by chemical precipitation.

“It was difficult to decide because both teams had very good solutions for different parts of the problem. However, a winner must be chosen and our choice went to Sofi Filtration. We believe they can provide Dinex with short term solutions to process the waste. However, SansOx Oy’s and Econet Oy’s idea could provide the long term solution for us. For Dinex this hackathon exceeded expectations because it found us partners to help with our needs now, and in the future as well”, said Technical Manager Andreina Moreno from Dinex Finland.

“Solution from Sofi filtration is innovative as valuable materials are recovered based on physical characteristics of waste material, and there is no need to use commonly used dangerous chemicals in waste reduction and recovery process. Solution from Sofi Filtration enables fast processing for rather huge amounts of waste”, continues Researcher Ari Väliheikki.

“We are very pleased with the organisers and the competitors of this hackathon and the outcome. Probably we wouldn’t have been able to find these companies and their solutions without this cooperation. I’m glad to tell that we are able to offer testing possibilities in Finland, and finally, aim to make tech transfer to our other factories all over the world.”

“Dinex Group has been searching for a solution to this challenge for more than twenty years already, so obviously we are very happy that we have been able to help Dinex find new partners to solve this challenge. Another great outcome from this Hackathon is that the participating teams Econet Oy and SansOx Oy found each other in this innovation competition, and have already started business and R&D collaboration”, says Annimari Lehtomäki, Chief Specialist at Jamk BioEconomy Business Accelerator.

Dinex Finland Oy develops catalyst washcoats for ceramic and metal substrates. These parts are key units in after-treatment systems of diesel and gas fueled engines to reduce the harmful exhaust emission such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides to less harmful compounds such as nitrogen, water and carbon dioxide. Dinex Finland is one of the main tech centers of Dinex Group providing new catalyst solutions.

More information about the DinexHackathon. 

The Bioeconomy Business Accelerator for Saarijärvi project is implemented by the Bioeconomy Institute of Jamk University of Applied Sciences and is funded by the Regional Council of Central Finland with the support of the European Regional Development Fund, Sitra and the City of Saarijärvi. 

Further information:

Chief Specialist Annimari Lehtomäki 

[email protected]

tel. +358 50 464 2563

Jamk University of Applied Sciences

Researcher Ari Väliheikki

[email protected] 

tel. +358 40 743 0767 

Dinex Finland Oy