news 11.4.2022

Do you need additional studies for a foreign teacher's degree to work as a teacher in Finland? Apply now for a training!

Are You a teacher with an immigrant background? Do you need supplementary studies for your teacher’s degree and qualifications for working as a teacher in Finland? The OSU project offers additional pedagogical studies and career guidance for teachers in 2022 and 2023! 

A woman is teaching adult class

Additional pedagogical studies or career guidance for teachers

Join the happy group on path A or B:

Additional pedagogical studies and qualifications for teaching in Finland – the application period is valid until April 18, 2022! (path A)

The first OSU training courses (Opettajaksi Suomeen, Teacher to Finland) training courses are now underway at the schools of professional teacher education. A new group will start in the fall. 

This training is for a teacher who has:

  • A university-level teacher training completed abroad
  • Issued by the Finnish National Agency for Education a decision for recognising the teacher qualifications outside Finland as comparable to a higher education degree / studies that are required for a teacher’s position. More information here
  • Work experience.

Read more about the training and apply (in Finnish). Apply before the April 18th. 

Career guidance, support and language studies that support employment as a teacher in Finland (path B)

Through the career guidance pathway, participants receive guidance and support in developing their skills and employment opportunities. All teachers with an immigrant background are eligible.

Join the path of career guidance: Registration starts on May 2, 2022! Or you can contact us earlier.

About the Opettajaksi Suomeen - OSU -project (Teacher to Finland)

The training and career guidance are offered by the Opettajaksi Suomeen project which will improve the access to pedagogical education and employability in the field of education for the trained teachers with immigrant background. The project receives funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland. 

To work as a teacher in Finland an official teacher qualification is needed. The Finnish National Agency for Education may require a teacher to complete supplementing studies in order to qualify, if a person has completed a teacher's degree abroad. More information about recognising foreign teacher's degrees in Finland  

(Finnish National Agency for Education). 

More information about the project (in Finnish)


More information:

Anna Leppäkorpi

Asiakkuuspäällikkö, Key Account Manager
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education