news 16.8.2021

JAMK starts the autumn semester - contact teaching for first-year and second-year students

JAMK University of Applied Sciences opens the autumn semester for new students and second-year students mainly in contact teaching. The aim is to arrange corona safe contact studies for other students during the autumn as well.

At JAMK, teaching begins with first year students on 23 August. Continuing students start a week later. The aim is to arrange contact teaching especially for first-year students and second-year students.

"We consider it important that those in the early stages of their studies get involved in the student community and that JAMK and its study environments become familiar for those starting their studies. Grouping and friendships often form at the beginning of studies. Of course, we hope that with the vaccines we will be able to open contact teaching to all our students", says Heikki Malinen, Vice Rector of JAMK.

Contact teaching is arranged at JAMK always taking corona safety into account. JAMK's campuses still have a mask recommendation. Safety distances and good hand hygiene are taken care of. The campuses can only be entered when healthy.

"We want to emphasise to our students that they can come to campuses. Campuses have good facilities for group work. Students can also get a student-priced lunch in our campus restaurants, which is important for general study motivation", Malinen reminds.

Group work is no allowed in the library, however. Library services are restricted only for borrowing and returning materials.

Due to the corona situation, JAMK does not organise any events on its campuses in the early autumn.

"Events already planned will be postponed, or alternatively will be held remotely. For example, the opening of the academic year planned for the first day of September will be held remotely", says Director of Administration Mikko R. Salminen.

Corona safety is still monitored at JAMK, and changes are made to the safety instructions related to the corona and the organisation of teaching if the situation so requires.

You can find JAMK's updated corona guidelines on our website: JAMK's guidelines for the coronavirus situation

Further information:

Heikki Malinen, Vice Rector

[email protected]

tel. +358 40 772 3376

Mikko R. Salminen, Director of Administration

[email protected]

tel. +358 50 407 9507

JAMK University of Applied Sciences