news 5.3.2021

JAMK continues in mainly remote teaching mode

JAMK University of Applied Sciences will adhere to the current remote teaching arrangement in accordance with the instructions of the Government and the City of Jyväskylä. The guidance is generally based on a deteriorating Corona situation. JAMK has already decided to continue remote teaching until 30 April.

JAMK continues in mainly remote teaching mode .jpeg

JAMK's teaching is mainly organized as remote teaching until 30 April 2021. Exceptions are exams and small group teaching in cases where it is not appropriate to implement remote teaching considering the learning objective (eg. physiotherapy, laboratory work, music teaching).

In small group teaching, the maximum number of people is 10. In exams, the maximum number of people is determined by the space the exam is held in. Exam sessions are arranged so that safety distances and other corona safety measures apply.

JAMK has a face mask recommendation on all campuses. JAMK reserves masks for small group teaching in close contact and for Exam studios, where the use of masks is mandatory.

Students have limited access to campuses, but working and group work in the library are to be avoided.

Other measures in the safety instructions include e.g. good hand hygiene, safety intervals, staying at home when ill and applying for a corona test even in minor symptoms.

JAMK's updated corona guidelines can be found in JAMK's corona guidelines web page.

More information:

Mikko R. Salminen, Director of Administration

[email protected]

tel. 050 407 9507

JAMK University of Applied Sciences