The alliance consists of the following institutions:
- Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Finland
- Hochschule Esslingen, University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Institute of Technology Sligo, Ireland
- Karel de Grote Hogeschool, KdG,University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Belgium
- Óbudai Egyetem, Óbuda University, Hungary
- Università Degli Studi del Sannio di Benevento, University of Unisannio, Italy
The aims of the strategic collaboration
- To build and strengthen strategic level partnership and long-term cooperation between the Parties
- To create a European University Alliance
- To seek a formal European University Alliance status and funding under the European Universities Initiative
- To concentrate especially on sustainable entrepreneurship in different focus areas and in other fields defined by the Parties
The rectors of the institutions look forward to fostering close and diverse cooperation between the institutions.