news 5.6.2020

Preparations for student mobilities in the autumn 2020 continue as normal at JAMK University of Applied Sciences

JAMK University of Applied Sciences continues preparations for students’ study/practical training mobilities abroad during autumn 2020 as normal. Similarly, JAMK is also preparing to receive incoming exchange students from its partner institutions. Incoming exchange students from outside the EU/EEA area are recommended to postpone their exchange period at JAMK to spring 2021 due to the challenges in the residence permit process.

However, JAMK is closely following the COVID-19 situation and preparing also for possible changes regarding student mobilities in the autumn. The policies and recommendations of officials and governments in different countries affect the policies of higher education institutions and the realization of student mobilities. In the end, the receiving institutions make the final decisions regarding their incoming student mobility.

Thus, students are requested to acknowledge the uncertainty of the situation and that changes in the policies concerning student mobilities are possible at JAMK as well as at the partner institutions. Both outgoing exchange students from Finland and incoming exchange students to Finland are advised to make the practical arrangements for their mobility period abroad at the latest stage possible. We suggest that students ensure they have coverage for cancellation and changes in their travel and accommodation reservations. Students are advised to use a credit card when making reservations, if possible. Exchange students must always have travel insurance as well.

Students should also prepare themselves for a possible quarantine period after arriving to their destination and distance learning during their mobility. JAMK offers both online studies and contact lessons to foreign degree and exchange students as per possibilities. JAMK is preparing to arrange the orientations for new students at the end of August on campuses as usual as well as in distance mode.

Further information:
Heikki Malinen, Vice Rector
[email protected]
tel. +358407723376

Nina Björn, International Relations Manager
[email protected]