news 4.9.2020

JAMK's rector and student union JAMKO: Acting responsibly and taking others account is paramount in this situation

The current coronavirus situation in Jyväskylä has been monitored with concern at JAMK University of Applied Sciences. Coronavirus exposures have been tracked to a nightclub, among other places. JAMK has decided not to participate in large mass events with increased risk of exposure. In addition to that, however, everyone should also remember their own, personal responsibility.

JAMK’s rector Jussi Halttunen would like to remind everyone that it is paramount for both students as well as employees to act responsibly.

"I appeal to the awareness and responsibility of all people, that they take the coronavirus situation seriously both at work and study, as well as in their free time. We should all think of alternative, responsible, and safe ways to spend the weekends and free time. Gathering with a large group, especially indoors is not necessary a sensible and responsible way to relax", Halttunen says.

Similarly, JAMK's student union JAMKO wants to remind student of responsible activities, so that future exposures in student communities are avoided.

"Due to the exceptional situation, we also evaluate our own activities at JAMKO, and we now only organise events that we can arrange responsibly. For the time being, the student union does not hold large events, e.g. in nightclubs, but we offer events that can only be attended outdoors with sufficient safety distances, remotely or with a very limited number of participants. We encourage students to avoid large crowds and to always make sure of sufficient safety distances and good hand hygiene. Let's take care of each other", reminds Antti Paunonen, Chairperson of the Board at JAMKO.

JAMK also wants to remind of the Koronavilkku-app: The more people use it, the more affective the app is. The app allows exposures to be tracked easily and quickly. The app also informs the user of any potential exposures - but only if the infected with a positive result inform about it through the app.

JAMK has also decided not participate in large mass events with increased risk of exposure. These include e.g. many fairs and other larger events. The aim is also to arrange JAMK’s own events online, if possible.

Further information:
Jussi Halttunen, rector
[email protected]
tel. +358 400 644 913
JAMK University of Applied Sciences