news 18.3.2020

Facilities and operations of JAMK from March 18

The Finnish Government recommends 16.3. In line with its policy of coronavirus pandemics that schools, colleges, universities and polytechnics, civic colleges and other liberal education facilities will be closed and contact teaching will be suspended. The regional administrative offices have ordered the closure of educational establishments and forbid events of more than 10 people. Premises dedicated to research, development and innovation are not affected by the closure.

JAMK’s campus premises and entrances will be closed from 18 March to 13 May, with the exception of the main entrance of JAMK's Rajakatu main campus, which is open on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00. Staff is allowed to enter the campus with their own keys.

For the time being, laboratories and testing and analysis services will continue on an exceptional basis, ie in individuals and small groups (less than 10 persons).

Contact teaching is not provided, but individual or small group work is permitted for less than 10 people. Likewise, training and laboratory services products already implemented with outside partners and agreed upon can be implemented in small groups. Special consideration is advised.

All Online Exams will be canceled as of 18 March until 13 May. We are exploring alternative exam possibilities and other assessment methods so that studies can progress on schedule.

The JAMK Digital Center on the main campus is currently available. Staff are asked to make an appointment the day before. More information on Elmo Intranet.

The Main Campus Library is closed. The electronic services continue normally.

Other facilities closed on all our campuses include:

  • gyms
  • restaurants

The janitorial services are open on campus Mon-Fri from 8am to 4pm.

Even if the campuses are closed, our activities will not cease. We make every effort to ensure that our studies progress as planned and that our degrees are completed. Teaching and guidance is provided through alternative distance learning methods and this work has already been widely undertaken at JAMK. Research and development, export of education and domestic service business are also being implemented as planned.

JAMK would like to thank the staff and students for their rapid adaptation in the face of a challenging emergency.

Further information:
Mikko R. Salminen, Director of Administration, [email protected], tel. 050 407 9507