news 25.6.2019

Finnish Championship in Food Craftmanship for the first time in Jyväskylä 2019 – Sign in!

JAMK University of Applied Sciences organises Finnish Championship in Food Craftmanship in Jyväskylä on 13-15 September 2019. The aim of the competition is to develop artisan food and make it more broadly known. The competition is open to all Finnish, Nordic and Baltic competitors. There are 11 categories and 60 competition classes – everything form drinks, berries and sauces to meat and fish products.

Artisan food is made from local ingredients without synthetic aromas or preservatives and colourings. For the artisan products, it is characteristic that the author’s hand and skills are visible throughout the production chain. Artisan food also highlights the richness and knowhow of the local cuisines.

– It is great to get this competition to Central Finland! I have participated in the event previously and hoped that this competition, originally from Sweden, would also move to other parts of the country from the Swedish-speaking region of Western Uusimaa. The event is a great opportunity for artisan food entrepreneurs to get expert feedback on their products and network across the industries, says competition director, Project Manager Leena Pölkki from JAMK University of Applied Sciences.

The competition nurtures the concept of artisan food, motivates and inspires food artisans in their development work. The event also aims at increasing consumers’ awareness of artisan food. The jury consists of artisan food experts and stakeholder representatives providing the contestants written feedback on all products. The prizes will be awarded at a gala dinner on Saturday evening and the winning products are on display at Wemmi on Sunday 15 September. The last registration date for the competition products is 15 August 2019. Further details can be found on the event's website.

The main cooperation partner, the Finnish Artisanal Food Association, is responsible for the rules of the competition. Other partners are Finnish Chef Association and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the latter especially for the open seminars during the event. Laurea University of Applied Sciences is in charge of Saturday's wild herb workshop.

– I warmly encourage all Finnish, Nordic and Baltic artisan food entrepreneurs to participate. You may also want to check out the rules - you may be an artisan food entrepreneur, even though you did not know it, Pölkki gives a hint.

The event is a unique opportunity for all entrepreneurs and consumers to network and get to know artisan food comprehensively. During the weekend, you can also participate in Wemmi - Ween maan wiljaa event, where FC in Food Craftmanship 2019 has its own stand. Welcome to Jyväskylä!

Further information:
Competition Director, Leena Pölkki, Project Manager/Project Central Finland Food Chain Coordination 2,
Tel: +358 50 4011894
email: leena.polkki(a)

Finnish Championship in Food Craftmanship 2019 will be held in Jyväskylä, Central Finland on 13-14 September 2019. The competition is organised by JAMK University of Applied Sciences/Project Central Finland Food Chain Coordination 2 in cooperation with the Finnish Artisanal Food Association and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.