news 11.6.2019

Biobord prototype ready for Joint Actions and Innovation Co-operation

RDI2CluB project reached the half-way mark in the end of March 2019. The milestone was celebrated with the release of the prototype of the Biobord platform for test-use in the partnership.

RDI2CluB project reached the half-way mark in the end of March 2019. The milestone was celebrated with the release of the prototype of the Biobord platform for test-use in the partnership. In one and half years, the partnership of four rural bioeconomy innovation hubs around the Baltic Sea has come a long way. The diverse group of hubs has determined joint aims and actions as well as co-designed a joint platform for co-working, information exchange and operating a transnational innovation hub for boosting rural bioeconomy development in Baltic Sea Region.

Low-hanging fruits and long-term strategies

By the end of the March 2019, partners of RDI2CluB have agreed on the Joint Action Plans as regional and transnational roadmaps for strengthening the bioeconomy innovation ecosystems. The Joint Action Plan development involved a transnational workshop in Hedmark, bilateral meetings and discussions as well as continuous stakeholder dialogue in regions. As a result, the partnership has identified several short, medium and long-term development action for enhancing the triple helix co-operation on regional and interregional levels. Some bilateral actions, such as study visits, joint project planning and expertise exchange in events, have already been implemented. Other actions will follow as the co-working at Biobord platform is started in April 2019.

Cross-border innovation ecosystem in action

The definition of the Joint Action Plans was supported by the benchmarking visit to Värmland (Sweden) and Hedmark (Norway) where the team of 35 RDI2CluB members explored the success factors and challenges of building a cross-border rural bioeconomy innovation ecosystem. The benchmarking visit and related transnational workshop focused also on definition of the operational model for Biobord platform.

Biobord is served

The Biobord prototype was completed with the inputs from the transnational workshop, task force meeting, webinar series and feedback collection from hubs in course of test-use of other platforms. In the second half of the project, the partnership will test and pilot with target groups to improve our approach and refine the operational model for the open innovation platform dedicated for sustainable and inclusive rural bioeconomy development.

The hubs have started identification of test groups for the piloting phase. Based on plans defined so far, the expected number of registered users to Biobord would reach 300 in the piloting phase, involving groups such as SMEs, researchers, business support organizations and students. Activities planned for the platform involve communication, capacity building, network management, team working, innovation support and matchmaking calls. The platform supports both regional and transnational actions building bridges and lowering barriers for regional interactions between SMEs, researchers, developers and students alike.

More information: Anna Aalto, +358 40 640 2346, anna.aalto(at), JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Bioeconomy,