news 3.1.2019

Application period for Professional Teacher Education on January 8-29, 2019

At JAMK´s School of Professional Teacher Education, adult students are provided with the pedagogical qualification for teaching and facilitating learning. They also get practical guidance skills that are useful in various working environments. Applications for the International Professional Teacher Education Programme are accepted 8-29 January 2019.

The Professional Teacher Education Programme is meant for adult professionals from various fields. As a rule, applicants must have a suitable higher-education degree and three years' work experience. The programme provides the pedagogical qualification for teaching in Finland.

Many of the students who choose this programme have already started working as teachers but seek the necessary pedagogical qualification. Others choose it to take their career into a completely new direction. Depending on the adult student, the programme usually takes 1–2 years to complete. In the internationally oriented, multicultural study group, all teaching will be done in English.

Most of the students will complete the programme while working full time, which is fully possible as there are usually less than 10 classroom days in a full semester. In addition to traditional classroom studies, the programme consists of individual and group-based e-learning tasks, individually performed learning tasks and practical training as a teacher.

Applications to the Professional Teacher Education programme are submitted in the service.

For additional information please contact:
Juha Hautanen, Head of Department, +358 40 641 2950, [email protected]
Katariina Jouhiaho, Study Counsellor, +358 40 752 5358, [email protected]