
Recognition for Quality
Over the years Jamk has been one of the most successful universities of applied sciences in Finland. Here is the list of most important quality recognitions:
Recognition by the the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC)
- Audit of JAMK University of Applied Sciences 2019 (in Finnish, abstract in English) and the first-ever Quality Label for Excellence in higher education in May 2021
- Audit of JAMK University of Applied Sciences 2013 (in Finnish, abstract in English)
- Auditing the Jyväskylä Polytechnic quality assurance system 2006 (in Finnish, abstract in English)
- Centre of Excellence 2010-2012: Sexual Health Promotion
- Centre of Excellence in Education 2000: Jyväskylä Team Academy
Accreditations for the Degree Programmes
- EFDM accreditation for the Degree Programme in International Business 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2021
- EUR-ACE accreditation for the English-language Degree Programme in Logistics Engineering 2014, Degree programme in International Logistics 2020
- EUR-ACE accreditation for the Degree Programme in Mechanical engineering 2015 and 2021
- EUR-ACE accreditation for the Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology 2017 and 2023
- EUR-ACE accreditation for the Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering 2022
- IUHPE accreditation for the Master’s Degree Programme in Health Promotion 2015 and 2020
Recognition by the European Commission
- Diploma Supplement Label 2013-2016
- Extended Erasmus University Charter 2014-2020
- Erasmus Golden Award for Excellence 2013, first place in quality and staff mobility in Europe
Vipunen is the education administration's reporting portal. The statistics on UAS are based on data collected by the Ministry of Education and Culture from the universities of applied sciences, universities, and data produced by Statistics Finland. Vipunen has comparable data from different universities of applied sciences.
AVOP Student feedback for UAS at the graduation phase
When graduating, UAS students reply to a national AVOP feedback questionnaire to give feedback on the education they have received. The statistics are freely available at the Vipunen statistics services.
Career monitoring survey
The career monitoring survey is sent to students who graduated from a University of Applied Sciences with a bachelor’s or a master’s degree five years earlier. Also these results are freely available at the Vipunen statistics services.
Periodic Evaluation of Degree-Awarding Education
Jamk University of Applied Sciences evaluates the degree programmes more thoroughly once every six years. Check out the results of the evaluations.
External evaluations
Jamk commissions external evaluations of its operations as needed.
- Luokkahuoneesta innovaatioalustoille : Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun TKI-toiminnan arviointiraportti (Varmola, Myllykangas, Korhonen, Viitasaari 2018)
- JAMKin tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja innovaatiotoiminnan ulkoinen arviointi 2010-2011: Maakunnasta maailmalle (Sotarauta, Myllykangas & Varmola 2011).
Note. These reports are in Finnish, but the summaries are also in English.