Renewing rehabilitation through development projects
The goal of our development projects is to widely renew and develop the approaches and competence of rehabilitation. Our multidisciplinary expert network will plan and execute development projects closely together with national and international collaboration networks.

We act as the forerunner of rehabilitation and pilot interesting ways to implement rehabilitation.
Get to know our development projects
Breaking Education Barriers: Inclusion, Rehabilitation and Technology
BERT project aims to contribute towards the enhanced capacity of higher education institutions in East Africa to break down barriers hindering the full inclusion of persons with disabilities into society in the digital era.
AIRe Platform
The project aims to develop, together with innovation partners, an AI-powered digital solution for self-driven service users. AIRe Platform will include interactive and human-centered features to support individuals at different stages of their rehabilitation, from the need assessment to follow-up and re-evaluation.
More information

Kirsi Heiskanen
Asiantuntija, Specialist
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Pekka Anttila
Johtaja Kuntoutusinstituutti, Director Institute of Rehabilitation
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies