School of Business
The School of Business offers both SMEs and the public sector solutions for improving competitiveness. We create business concepts and promote the renewal of services. We offer Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes both in English and in Finnish in the fields of Business Administration and Tourism and Hospitality Management. Our Degree Programme in International Business is an EFMD Accredited Bachelor - has been since 2012.

Degree Programmes
The core competences of the School of Business are business development, pedagogy, tourism and life-long learning. We offer studies in business, tourism and service business, and business information technology.
In developing our curricula and innovative pedagogical solutions, we work closely together with the industry. Various projects, internships, labs and regional development platforms offer our students excellent learning opportunities.
Acknowledged quality
Our degree programmes are of high quality by both national and international standards.
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) has conducted an audit of Jamk University of Applied Sciences and has awarded the institution with a quality label that is valid for six years from 20 May 2019.
FINEEC awards also the Quality Label for Excellence to audited higher education institutions for their commitment to enhancement work of exceptionally high quality. Jamk has been awarded the first-ever Quality Label for Excellence in higher education in May 2021.
Read more about Quality at Jamk.
The first EFMD accredited degree programme in Finland
Jamk was the first Finnish university of applied sciences to get an EFMD accreditation for a degree programme all the way back in 2012. The European Foundation for Management Development is an internationally recognised accreditation organisation for business and management education. In 2021 our Degree Programme in International Business received the rare, extended EFMD Bachelor -accreditation that is valid for 5 years.
Services, Education export, and RDI
We at Jamk School of Business actively aim to strengthen the competence of companies and organizations. Our Sport Business by Jamk is a trusted partner for world wide organizations such as the WRC when it comes to sport and event research. Our work-life oriented projects always aim to create new knowledge, service solutions, and innovations. Our project portfolio varies from 30 to 40 projects per year. The common themes in our projects have mainly been tourism, eSports, and gaming technologies in the recent years.
Sport Business Research
Game Technologies and Esports
Summer School in Leadership - A Nordic Experience (School of Business)
Outstanding online environment
The School of Business has a high-quality, interactive online environment and advanced blended learning models have been built for both social and personalized learning. We make use of interactive teaching methods, videoconferencing and lectures and encourage the students to connect with the lecturers and peer students throughout their studies.
Advisory Board as the backbone of constant development
One way we ensure that our offering is always relevant to the developing needs of the industry is that we actively consult our advisory board. The advisory board consists of company representatives, who bring their insights from their business field into the table, helping us to analyze our degree programmes, services, and research and development projects from a point of view that's relevant for the business life. The advisory board takes actively part in reviewing and developing our education.
Our Advisory Board:
- Jesse Kohonen, Kesko Oyj Järvisuomen alue, Area Director
- Arja Aroheinä, Jyväskylän kaupunki, Human Resource Manager
- José Ayala, Stafix Oy, CEO
- Pirkko Filtness, Telia, Account Manager
- Riitta Ärling, LähiTapiola Keski-Suomi, Human Resource Manager
- Petri Kemppainen, Tieto Oyj, Director
- Simo Käyhkö, Jyväs-Caravan Oy, CEO
- Vesa Mäntylä, Ilmasotakoulu, Director
- Katri Paakkari, Hotelli Alba, CEO
- Jaakko Puurula, Valmet Technologies Oy, Local Manager
- Juha Rahko, Jyväskylän Messut Oy, CEO
- Minna Tuohimaa-Juntunen, OP Central Finland, Personnel Specialist
- Tuomas Roininen, Peliosuuskunta Expa, Chairman
- Niko Saarukka, Ravintola Figaro, Entrepreneur
- Sari Suominen, Powen Oy, CEO
- Heikki Tervanen, Osuuskauppa Keskimaa, Industry Manager
- Anne Eskola, School of Business (Chm.)
- Niko Kiviaho, Tourism and Hospitality
- Matti Hirsilä, Global Competence
- Mirva Leppälä, RDI
- Pertti Pernu, Business Administration
Extensive international co-operation
The School of Business has partner universities in over 30 countries and our international network consists of 130 partner universities, of which many are internationally highly ranked. The partnerships offer an academic experience abroad with the possibility of student and faculty exchange, double degrees, customised programmes, and joint research at the bachelor’s and master’s level.
- MOC: Microeconomics of Competitiveness network developed by Professor Michael Porter at Harvard Business School
- EFMD: European Foundation for Management Development
- EAIE: European Association of International Education, Business Schools
- NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Business Schools
- SAPPLE: Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education, Business Schools
- APAIE: Asia Pacific Association for International Education, Business Schools
- AACSB: Business Education Alliance member
- EASM: European association of Sport Management
- EuroFM: European Facility Management Network for Education, practice and research
- VentureWell
- SIETAR Europa: Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research
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