
Jamk University of Applied Sciences' communications and marketing helps when you are looking for an interviewee or information about us. You can also find Jamk's logos on these pages.


Do you need a Jamk logo for online or print use? The online versions are also suitable for various presentation materials and Office programs. Print versions are scalable files suitable for professional use.

Online Versions

Blue Jamk logo with English name

White Jamk logo with English name

Blue Jamk logo with Finnish name

White Jamk logo with Finnish name

Blue Jamk logo without name

White Jamk logo without name 

Print Versions

Blue Jamk logo with English name

White Jamk logo with English name

Blue Jamk logo with Finnish name

White Jamk logo with Finnish name

Blue Jamk logo without name

White Jamk logo without name

Current Topics

News, current affairs and events at Jamk.


Upcoming Jamk events and webinars.

Jamk publications

Our publications promote extensive and multidisciplinary teaching, research and development work at Jamk. The publications are authored by our specialists, as well as our partners and students. 

Media Contacts

Heli Toivola

Viestintäjohtaja, Director of Communications
Viestintäpalvelut, Communication Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Esko Pulliainen

Viestinnän asiantuntija, Communication Specialist
Viestintäpalvelut, Communication Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Marketing Contacts

Heli Toivola

Viestintäjohtaja, Director of Communications
Viestintäpalvelut, Communication Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Kati Poikonen

Digitaalisen markkinoinnin asiantuntija, Digital Marketing Specialist
Viestintäpalvelut, Communication Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Marianna Mäkelä

Visuaalisen viestinnän asiantuntija, Visual Communication Specialist
Viestintäpalvelut, Communication Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services