Are you interested in a women's entrepreneurship network?

In spring 2025, ideas will be created for a mentoring network formed by female entrepreneurs from Jamk and Jamk students. Come join us!

Kolme naista seisoo vierekkäin ja katsoo toisiaan hymyillen. Keskimmäisellä on kansi kädessä.

Let's support female entrepreneurs together!

Would you be interested in joining a free-form mentoring network where female entrepreneurs who have already graduated from Jamk and those studying at Jamk would discuss confidentially the challenges and opportunities related to entrepreneurship?

Jamk alumna Tiia Manninen is bringing together those interested. You can connect with Tiia via LinkedIn. Read Tiia's alumni interview below!

It would be great if Jamk had a community that specifically supports female entrepreneurs and those interested in entrepreneurship, consisting of both entrepreneurial students and alumni. A peer network is worth its weight in gold and women still need strong support on their path to entrepreneurship.
- Tiia Manninen, Jamk alumna

Business studies opened doors to an international career

Jamk's alumna Tiia Manninen's business studies took her via Jyväskylä to Reykjavik, Harvard and Uganda. Today, she works as a consultant and encourages everyone to take advantage of the opportunities offered by studies for internationalisation.

More information about mentoring programmes

Tytti Pintilä

Vanhempi asiantuntija, Senior Advisor
Koulutuksen kehittämispalvelut, Educational Development Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services