Alumni Register

Nainen kirjoittaa kannettavalla tietokoneella
Jamk's alumni are all those who have graduated from bachelor's or master's degree, or professional teacher education throughout Jamk's history.

Be Part of Jamk Alumni Network - Update your Data regularly

As a member of our alumni network, you will receive information about alumni events and education relevant to your career advancement. You will also have the opportunity to come to Jamk and tell students about your career and line of work as a visiting lecturer.

The membership in Jamk's alumni network is free of charge and does not oblige you to anything. 

Join our Alumni Network


Alumni Register

After you graduate, you will become a member of Jamk's extensive alumni network. To enable aiding you after you graduation, your contact information will be added to Jamk's alumni contact information register.

As part of the alumni network, you will receive information on e.g. various alumni benefits and events from the alumni newsletter sent six times a year.

You will receive a separate email about the transfer of your data, and you can then specify what kind of cooperation you are interested in. If you want your information to be removed from the alumni register, that can also be done from the link in the newsletter.

Additional information: alumni representative Tytti Pintilä, alumni(at)

Career Monitoring Survey

The information gathered via this form is used for research purposes in a nationwide career monitoring survey, which is aimed at alumni who have graduated five years ago. In the career monitoring survey, The Ministry of Education and Culture In Finland will collect feedback on the relevance of your education to your career development through a questionnaire. You will only have to answer the career monitoring questionnaire once. Every answer is valuable!

More information on Alumni register

Tytti Pintilä

Vanhempi asiantuntija, Senior Advisor
Koulutuksen kehittämispalvelut, Educational Development Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Mika Oksanen

Järjestelmäasiantuntija, Systems Specialist
ICT-palvelut, ICT Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services