Double Degrees

Why are double degrees beneficial?

Globalisation, competition at the international education and labour market and the changing needs of working life call for a yet wider professional know-how and personal knowledge and skills of operating in the globalising working life from a graduating student.

In a double degree programme students can develop a deeper understanding of the required competences than would be possible during a normal exchange period. This is because in a double degree programme the content, extent and total duration (e.g. studies, practical training, thesis) of the studies are agreed on beforehand. This is to make sure that the studies completed in the programme bring qualitative added value to both of the student’s degrees and that the regulations and principles at both the national and at the home institution level are realised in a way that it is possible for students to complete two degrees within their study entitlement at Jamk.

A double degree increases the student’s chances of moving on to e.g. post-graduate studies abroad, not to mention the benefits it brings to the student at the international labour market.

Double degrees are an important form of cooperation for Jamk, since they internationalise not only students but the whole community of the higher education institution. The double degree further deepens the educational cooperation with the partner and opens up doors for other forms of cooperation for example within the RDI-activities. Furthermore, they bring more foreign degree students and lecturers to Jamk. Overall, double degrees fortify Jamk’s status and profile on the international educational markets.

Timing and duration of double degree

The timing and duration of the study period at the partner institution are determined in the negotiated agreement. Normally the period abroad lasts for one or two semesters. One semester is approximately 4-6 months.

The content, extent and total duration of studies in the programme (e.g. studies, practical training, thesis) have been agreed on in the double degree agreement. This is to make sure that it is possible to complete the double degree within the timeframe of the study entitlement and that it does not prolong the studies.

Student selection in double degree programmes

The students whose degree programme has a valid double degree agreement with a partner institution have the possibility to apply for a double degree programme. The student selections are made based on the following recommendations:

  • the student has completed at least one year of studies (exception: one semester in Master’s degree programmes)
  • the studies have progressed according to the personal learning plan (PLP)
  • aptitude: ability to adapt to a new culture and to cope with studies in a foreign language
  • motivation

In addition to the recommendations mentioned above Jamk degree programmes and the partner institutions might have some more specific criteria for student selection; the applying students are informed separately about possible additional criteria during the application period.

Jamk's double degree partners

The home institution is where the student is registered as a degree student when applying for the double degree programme. The partner institution is the institution abroad with whom the double degree agreement is made. The student completes a specific part of their double degree studies at the partner institution. Double degree studies can only be pursued at specific partner institutions with whom Jamk's degree programmes have a double degree agreement.

You can browse Jamk's international partners in the Mobility Online portal.

How to apply for a double degree programme and further information

Both incoming and outgoing students apply for double degree programmes within the official exchange application processes and periods.

Jamk's degree students

Jamk's degree students registered for attendance can apply for double degree programmes within Jamk’s exchange application periods. Applications are submitted through Mobility Online.

The application process, including timetables, instructions and contact persons is available for students in the student intra under the heading Internationalisation through studies.

Prospective students and current students looking for more information about Jamk's double degree cooperation may also contact:

  • School of Business and School of Professional Teacher Education: outgoingA(at)
  • School of Technology and School of Health and Social Studies: outgoingB(at)

Incoming double degree students

Students who are interested in applying for a double degree programme at Jamk can find information about the application process and schedule on the incoming exchange student pages.

Incoming double degree students looking for more information about Jamk's double degree cooperation may also contact:

  • incoming(at)