Sport Business Research

Jamk's Sport Business team provides research and development services for private, public and third sector organizations operating in sport and experience industry. We offer higher education degree programmes on sport business management in both undergraduate and master level for professionals working in the field of sports.

Jamk's Sport Business intelligence services alter from event impact research to exploiting customer values, customer and business partner expectations and satisfaction to brand image and non-spectator surveys. Our Sport Business team believes that successful business performance development in sport organizations requires professional business management applied with business intelligence solutions where customers, fans, partners, sports brands, and organization's business competences are at focus. Research tools are designed to meet the growing need of online feedback from customers and business partners.

Sport Events Research

Big and medium size sporting events provide both direct spending opportunities for sport tourists and indirect benefits for the hosting economy such as post-event tourism related destination awareness and improvements in infrastructure. Sport Business by Jamk has researched multiple sports events from different viewpoints, including e.g. fan surveys, customer satisfaction surveys, economic impact studies, brand image and customer experiences. The research data has given different sport organisations an opportunity to develop their events further, and due to the online Webropol survey model, react instantly to the customer feedback.

Sport Business Education

Jamk's BBA studies offer you an opportunity to specialize in Sport Business. This, together with our Sport Business Management MBA programme, offers you a comprehensive deep-dive into the world of sport business management. The studies are conducted in English with a heavy focus on internationalization. 

Both degree programmes are continuously developed in co-operation with sport organizations and businesses. Modern sport business study methods have been integrated into the courses.

A university that develops esports

Jamk is committed to the growth and development of esports. The Sport Business by Jamk team, in collaboration with the GamePit by Jamk team, researches and develops esports business, player, and coaching expertise. Active collaboration with industry players (e.g., ENCE), Jamk's GamePit Pro esports facility, and course implementations offer students and the business field interesting and new knowledge related to the growth of the industry.

Rally Finland

During the many years of collaboration with the WRC Secto Rally Finland organizer AKK Sport Ltd., our Sport Business team has conducted several research projects involving rally organizer's strategic business partners, event economic impact for the host city region, rally brand image and spectator values, non-spectator survey, and multiple customer surveys. This long term collaboration with the WRC Secto Rally FInland organizer is a good example of determined event development by using research data.

International partners

You'll find some examples of our international partner networks and projects below, such as EU funded Sustainable Sport Management -project.

Contact us

Aila Ahonen

Yliopettaja, Principal Lecturer
Global Competence, Global Competence
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Heikki Peltonen

Vanhempi tutkija, Senior Researcher
LIKE TKI, School of business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Aki Laaksonen

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Liiketalous, Business Administration
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Master's Degree

Sport Business Management, Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Application period: 8.1.2025 - 22.1.2025

Study mode:

Part-time studies
Full-time studies

Education starts: 22.8.2025

School of Business

We create new experts in the field of Business Administration and Tourism and Hospitality Management through our Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes. We also offer solutions for SMEs and the public sector for improving competitiveness.

Facilities and Catering for Events

GamePit Pro

GamePit Pro is a top-tier esports facility, available for rent for various events and occasions. The versatile space is suitable for team training, meetings or training sessions, corporate team building or a gaming night with friends.