Physical Activity and Well-being

Research has shown that physical activity and exercise have positive effects on physical and mental health, social well-being, and learning conditions. At Jamk University of Applied Sciences, we conduct reseach, analyse, and develop movement-related phenomena and set the direction to ensure that everyone moves sufficiently.

We conduct research, create new knowledge, and apply scientific findings in practice in collaboration with our networks.

An active daily life and a physically active lifestyle support health, learning, and well-being. At Jamk University of Applied Sciences, we conduct a multidisciplinary research the effects of physical activity on health, learning, and well-being, as well as the structural and administrative aspects of promoting physical activity. 

We produce scientific and practical information on physical activity to support decision-making and knowledge management. We are actively involved in various international networks and research projects.

Creating Innovative Solutions and New Networks

We seek concrete solutions to promote physical activity in collaboration with various societal actors. Our goal is for every organization to actively support physically active life. We are also building an environment at Jamk that fosters physical activity and well-being.

On the Move programmes

The national physical activity promotion programs, collectively known as On the Move programmes, aim to encourage a physically active lifestyle across different age and population groups. These programs are funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The Likes Unit of Jamk University of Applied Scienses coordinates several initiatives, including Joy in Motion, Schools on the Move, Students on the Move, and Adults on the Move. Through these programs, we reach early childhood education, primary and secondary education, higher education, municipalities, well-being service counties, and workplaces, effectively bringing research-based knowledge into practice.

More information

Eino Havas

Päällikkö, Likes, Head of Department Likes
Likes, Likes
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Saara Koskinen

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Likes, Likes
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Janne Laitinen

Vanhempi asiantuntija, Senior Advisor
Likes, Likes
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies