BioBoosters Innovation services – New solutions for business development

Looking for solutions to the challenges of sustainable business? Options for developing your business or evaluating your ideas? Partners to promote green transition? Do you need to mobilise and engage stakeholders around a common development theme? Discover BioBoosters' innovation services, designed to meet the needs of businesses and organizations.

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Examples of innovation services

Innovation camp

The aim of an innovation camp is to find different solutions to a challenge and bring them to the attention of decision-makers, for example. The innovation camp is also an excellent method for engaging stakeholders in joint development work. Participants can be invited by open invitation or targeted according to the wishes of the sponsor. The sponsor will evaluate and select promising ideas to be included in a joint innovation process to solve the challenge. The innovation camp can be organised as an on-site, online, or hybrid activity.

The Innovation camp process

1) Identifying the challenge

  • Agreeing on the practical implementation of the assignment
  • Formulating the challenge
  • Planning the marketing

2) Announcing and marketing the challenge

  • Finding solutions from networks
  • Presentation of preliminary ideas
  • Selection of problem solvers

3) Solving the challenge

  • Kick-off - deep dive into the teams and ideas and the client's need
  • Development work - working on the idea, strengthening the team based on feedback from the Kick-off phase
  • Innovation camp - sparring with solvers towards refined solutions, supported by expert mentors
  • Winner selection

4) Solutions put into practice

  • Follow-up agreement between the client and the winner


Workshops are an excellent way to bring together different skills and diverse perspectives to generate new ideas or even to kick-start project planning. The outcome of a workshop is a shared output, accessible to all participants, which contributes to the common work and the theme being worked on.

We organise workshops in on-site, online, and hybrid formats. The content, duration and marketing of the workshop will be designed together with the client to suit the theme and purpose of the workshop. BioBoosters' workshops use the Howspace web facilitation platform, which enables interactive discussion among participants, also in online and hybrid formats.

Workshop process

1) Workshop definition

  • Agreeing on the practical implementation of the assignment
  • Defining the objective
  • Planning the marketing

2) Announcing the workshop

  • Search for actors from networks
  • Identification of possible pre-tasks and selection of participants

3) Day of the workshop

  • Facilitated work
  • Multidisciplinary perspectives on common objectives
  • Jointly available output

4) Solutions in practice

Interested? Contact us!

Anni Hintikka

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Biotalousinstituutti, Institute of Bioeconomy
Teknologia, School of Technology