Processing of staff information

The processing of personal data of the personnel and job applicants is based on the statutory task of universities of applied sciences as an employer and the legitimate interests of the data subjects (employee benefits, occupational health care, travel for work). If the personal data is to be used for any other purpose, permission is asked from the data subject separately. Employee information is collected in connection with establishing and maintaining the employment of the employee at Jamk University of Applied Sciences.

Which data do we collect?

During recruitment, we collect the applicant’s personal data and information on their education and work experience. Information collected during employment includes personal data (e.g. contact and bank details) as well as data connected to the task, the employment relationship, working hours, absences and competence management.

Where is the information coming from?

Data is always gathered from the employee or applicant directly. During their employment, employees may add to or update their own information.

Applicants provide their information to the recruitment system on the application form. The information provided by recipients of wages or remunerations is updated in the human resources management data system at the beginning of and during employment. The employee-specific information on tax withheld in advance provided by the tax authorities are updated once a year.

Who is the data disclosed to?

Data is only disclosed to the following parties, for example, in accordance with laws and regulations:

  • Tax authority (information required by the tax authorities)
  • Trade union (membership fees)
  • Execution authorities (recovered assets)
  • Pension institution (pension contributions + information regarding the person’s employment)
  • Statistics Finland (no individual information)
  • Insurance company (information connected to insurance and annual declarations)
  • The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (necessary data concerning absences)
  • Other authorities, e.g. information regarding pay subsidies
  • Credit card companies
  • Occupational health care
  • Travel management
  • Culture and sports vouchers
  • The employee in question (pay slip)

In addition, data may be disclosed to accountants or authorities upon request.

Data will not be transferred outside the EU or the EEA.

How can I update/inspect my data?

Members of staff are able to inspect their own data in the Jamk University of Applied Sciences systems. Employees may update their data themselves in the absences monitoring system or by notifying the HR secretary directly.

If employees wish to inspect data that is not directly visible to them, they may submit an information request to HR services or the Jamk data protection officer. Applicants may also enquire about data recorded on them from HR services.

Data processing and storage

The data is processed in connection with applying for work or the employment relationship. Data processors use the data with their own personal IDs and only in connection with their tasks. Data is processed by HR services, Finance and Accounting Services, supervisors for their own subordinates and ICT services in connection with the use of IT systems.

Manually processed documents that contain data on data subjects are stored in locked rooms. All processors are bound by confidentiality. Paper print-outs may be made of the documents, if necessary, and these print-outs are destroyed once they are no longer needed.

Electronic material may only be processed in connection with work tasks using personal IDs and passwords. The data protection of the material is ensured through digital certificates and various means of electronic protection. The personal user IDs and passwords for HR management software are provided in connection with assigning user rights. User rights are assigned based on work tasks and always expire when the employee in question is removed from the tasks that the user rights are assigned for.

Documents and registers are stored in accordance with the Jamk information management plan, and the data has specified retention periods. Information on personnel is stored in the HR management systems for the duration of their employment and for ten years after the last payment has been made. Pay sheets are an exception to this with a retention period of 50 years.