Data protection in Jamk

Data protection is important to us, and we wish to explain how we process personal data and for which purposes we process the data. Jamk follows the principles of integrating data protection into all operations by default. In basic operations, data protection is taken into consideration in fields such as management, procurements, development, operational processes and technical solutions.

Jamk as the data controller

Jamk as the data controller is responsible for complying with the data protection principles defined in the law at all stages of processing personal data. All processing of personal data must be done carefully and in compliance with the law and Jamk’s data protection policy.

Personal data must be processed appropriately and only for a specific purpose. The processing of personal data is done with the consent of the person in question or on other legitimate grounds defined by the law. To perform its duties, Jamk will process the personal data of various interest groups in addition to the personal data of students and staff. Jamk processes personal data based on the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU, the University of Applied Sciences Act, the Government Decree on Universities of Applied Sciences and the consent of the data subject.

Jamk collects customer information with webforms placed on the website to answer service requests. The collected information is only used to reply to the service request. The requests are forwarded to Jamk ServiceDesk system. Collected information is not shared with third parties.

Jamk University of Applied Sciences Ltd.

PO BOX 207

FI-40101 Jyväskylä


Tel. +358 20 743 8100

Business ID: 1006550-2

How will we inform you?

Personal data collected by Jamk in connection with its duties will form various personal data files. You can find information about this on these pages as well as in the privacy statements.

At Jamk, a privacy statement is produced for each service or system where personal data is processed. The privacy statement contains detailed information about the future processing of personal data and the rights of the data subjects. The privacy statements also include further details about the contact persons for the file, the storage of data, regular data sources, the disclosure and transfer of data and the principles of data protection. 

Processing of student information

Information about the data protection of Jamk students

Processing of staff information

Information about the data protection of Jamk's staff

Processing of customer information

Information about the data protection of Jamks customers

Rights of the data subject

You have the right to request information about which data items related to you are stored in the personal data file or if the file has no data related to you. The information must be given to you in a comprehensible format, and if you wish, you may also receive the information in writing.

You have right to:

  • to obtain information on the processing of their personal data
  • of access to their data
  • to rectification of their data
  • to the erasure of their data and to be forgotten
  • to restrict the processing of their data
  • to data portability
  • to object to the processing of their data
  • not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing.

You may inspect the data free of charge once a year. Requests are processed within one (1) month. If there are multiple requests or if the requests are complex, we will inform you if we need more time to process the request. In his case, the request will be processed within three (3) months of your original request.

The privacy statements contain further information about how you can inspect your data and how potential errors in the data will be corrected. The details of the contact persons are included in the privacy statements.

You can notify the Data Protection Ombudsman if you suspect that an organisation or individual is processing personal data in violation of data protection regulations. 

You can find more information about data subjects’ right of inspection on the website of the Data Protection Ombudsman.